40days Prayer Challenge – Day 30

I am Moving into My Promised Land

Deuteronomy 1:6-8

Prayer Points

  • DEUTERONOMY 32:1 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, O’ Earth, Earth, Earth, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, the words of I and my family members, will ever be obeyed by the Angels in charge of the Earth, as it concerns our blessings, finances, relationships, breakthroughs, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • NUMBERS 16:32 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare, to the powers and authorities of the Earth, to ever open their mouths and swallow anyone or all those, that will ever gather at CROSS-ROADS, circular altars or roundabouts, to fight or hinder our blessings, finances, relationships, breakthroughs, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • ECCLESIASTES 10:7 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to cancel and nullify, Earthly errors in I and my family members bloodlines, as a result of our fore-fathers and parents covenants with the powers and authorities of the Earth, that is affecting our blessings, finances, relationships, breakthroughs and destinies, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • EZEKIEL 34:27 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, because I and my family members have given our souls to GOD, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, the Angels in charge of the Earth, must bless the works of our hands and ensure that, our blessings, finances, relationships, breakthroughs and destinies, must experience increase and fruitfulness, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • REVELATION 7:1 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to command the Angels in charge of the four corners of the Earth, to uproot and destroy, demonic, satanic, occultic and marine altars, erected to the four corners of the Earth, fashioned to fight I and my family members businesses, finances, relationships, breakthroughs, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • GENESIS 4:10 & EZEKIEL 35:6 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to cancel and nullify, blood sacrifices of human-beings, animals, creeping things, fowls of the air and creatures in the waters, that will ever cry against I and my family members blessings, finances, breakthroughs, relationships, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry,in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • PSALM 121:6 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, anyone or group of people, that will ever pick up the dust of the Earth and point towards the sun, moon and stars, in order to curse I and my family members blessings, finances, relationships, children, breakthroughs, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, will never live to conclude their evil prophetic prayers against us, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • HOSEA 13:14 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, anyone or group of people, that will ever pick up grave sand, in order to fight or hinder I and my family members blessings, finances, breakthroughs, relationships, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, will never live to conclude their evil prophetic prayers, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • EXODUS 20:24 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, demonic, satanic, occultic and marine drink, blood libation and food offerings, to gods of the land by our fore-fathers and parents, that is affecting I and my family members blessings, finances, relationships, breakthroughs, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, have been nullified forever, in JESUS Name, Amen.
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