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40days Prayer Challenge – Day 33

I am Moving into My Promised Land

Deuteronomy 1:6-8

Prayer Points

  • GENESIS 28:18 & PSALM 11:3 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I and my family members have given our souls to GOD, I therefore use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, demonic, satanic, occultic and marine altars of stones raised by our fore-fathers and parents, still active and affecting our blessings, finances, relationships, breakthroughs, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, will ever be rendered powerless over us, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • LEVITICUS 9:8-9 & LEVITICUS 9:18 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I and my family members have given our souls to GOD, I therefore use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, demonic, satanic, occultic and marine blood sacrifices upon altars of stones, erected by our fore-fathers and parents, still active in our foundations, will forever be silenced by the Blood of JESUS, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • LUKE 19:40 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, ancient, demonic, satanic, occultic and marine stones that will ever cry against I and my family members blessings, finances, relationships, health, breakthroughs, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, have been silenced forever by the Blood of JESUS, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • ROMANS 9:33 (a) – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, demonic, satanic, occultic and marine stones, that will ever be fashioned to fight or hinder I and my family members blessings, finances, breakthroughs, relationships, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, will be removed by the Angels of GOD, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • (b) – O’ LORD my GOD, I decree and declare that, anyone or persons, that will desire to place stumbling stones and rocks of offence against I and my family members blessings, finances, promotions, relationships, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, will be destroyed by the Angels of GOD, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • JOHN 10:31 (a) – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, whosoever or persons, that will ever use demonic, satanic, occultic and marine stones of affliction, shame, barrenness, sickness and death, in order to fight I and my family members blessings, finances, relationships, breakthroughs, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, will ever be destroyed by the Angels of GOD, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • (b) – O’ LORD my GOD, according to YOUR Word in Proverbs 26:27, let the Angels of GOD roll back the demonized stones to the senders, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • JOSHUA 24:27 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I and my family members have given our souls to GOD, I therefore use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, anyone or persons, that will ever use demonic, satanic, occultic and marine stones to witness against our blessings, finances, relationships, breakthroughs, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, will never live to execute their wicked plans, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • EZEKIEL 36:26 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I and my family members have given our souls to GOD, I therefore decree and declare that, our children will never befriend or relate with, anyone or persons that have stony hearts, the Blood of JESUS will ever be the bloodline between us and every stony-hearted people, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • PSALM 141:6 – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I and my family members have given our souls to GOD, I therefore decree and declare that, our children will never be planted in any demonic, satanic, occultic and marine stony places of business, dwelling, school, work and worship environments, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • HABAKKUK 2:11 (a) – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, I use the Name and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, to decree and declare that, circle of stones that will ever cry out of the seven walls fashioned to fight or hinder I and my family members blessings, finances, relationships, breakthroughs, destinies and the Rebirth Ministry, will be destroyed by the Angels of GOD, in JESUS Name, Amen.
  • (b) – O’ LORD my GOD, my REDEEMER and SAVIOUR, anyone or persons, that will ever raise demonic, satanic, occultic and marine stone altars, to fight or hinder us, will perish for our sakes, in JESUS Name, Amen.
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