Log on to Periscope at 11.55PM
Mark 14
Isaiah 40:28-29
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The EVERLASTING GOD, the LORD, the CREATOR of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. HIS understanding is unsearchable. HE gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might HE increases strength.
Psalm 107:1
Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for HE is good! For HIS mercy endures forever.
Matthew 6:31-32
Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your Heavenly FATHER knows that you need all these things.
O LORD, I want to learn to trust YOU with my life and the adversity that I am right now facing.
I choose to embrace this difficulty and to make the most out of it so that not one day will be wasted. I say not my will, but YOURS. I want to learn to trust YOU right now. I give YOU this difficult situation and I lay it before YOU.
I trust YOU to break through in YOUR way and in YOUR timing. I thank YOU that I am unique and that YOU carefully fashioned me in a special way. Help me to learn what YOU want me to learn and to go the way YOU want me to go during this trial. Take the striving out of my life and the self-sufficiency in my heart. Help me not to make my own plans and then ask YOU to bless them.
Teach me to listen to YOU and then do YOUR will wholeheartedly. Show me YOUR plan for this day and help me to live it out joyfully.
Forgive me for all the times in my life where I have forced my own plans and will, and change me to be one who lays everything at YOUR feet.
LORD, I want to give YOU my time and my devotion.
I give YOU my hours of solitude, and I make it my choice to be in YOUR presence and to practice hour-by-hour dependence on YOU. Convict me whenever I go my own way.
I choose to do it YOUR way now.
Help me LORD.
I acknowledge my total dependence on YOU at this moment.
All that I have is YOURS and belongs to YOU.
All my rights of ownership are YOURS because YOU have purchased me with a great price.
YOU are what I need and YOU are the ONE I desire.
I am under YOUR leadership.
YOU are mine and what is YOURS becomes mine.
I am YOUR child.
LORD, take my weakness and sustain me.
I thank YOU that I am under YOUR protection.
I thank YOU that YOU are my security.
YOU are my ROCK and REFUGE.
Thank YOU that YOU know how to manage my life perfectly.
I am so blessed because of YOU.
In JESUS Name, Amen.
Please FORGIVE my lack of faith.
YOU who knows my heart, redeem and restore my faith in YOU.
Often, I doubt YOU, O FATHER, but, when I put my faith and reliance in YOU, O LORD, I eventually see the complete picture, in YOUR OWN perfect timing.
LOVING LORD, I put my trust in YOU.
I cry out to YOU, for my life is not going as I had planned.
Refresh my spirit as YOU walk beside me.
Encourage me that I would never concede to the malicious and wicked plans of the enemy.
Remind me that I can always count on YOU.
Give me strength, for I am weak.
O LORD, this world is filled with such uncertainty, but l’m assured I can really and truly rely on GOD.
YOU are the never-changing, eternal, ever-present GOD, WHOSE love never fails.
I can always place my confidence in YOU, for UYOU will never leave nor forsake me.
Give us the courage to live boldly
LORD, YOU are good and YOUR mercy endures forever.
May I truly believe in YOUR presence in my life.
Change me, O GOD of my salvation.
Work through me.
In all circumstances, I will seek YOU as my first resort.
Today, give me the courage to live boldly, to stand firm in my convictions as I remain faithful to YOU in the midst of this evil world.
In JESUS mighty Name I pray, Amen and Amen!
Thank YOU LORD for the Rebirth Ministry.
Thank GOD for answered prayers.