Day 19 – 30 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme



Confession:  2 Corinthians 5:17

 Praise and worship

1. I repent and confess every known sin that is causing problems in my life, in JESUS Name.

2. My FATHER, direct my footsteps according to YOUR WORD; let no sin rule over me, in JESUS Name. (Psalm 119:133)

3. Have mercy on me, O GOD, and wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. (Psalm 51:1-2).

4. HOLY SPIRIT, come near to me and remove the punishment meted upon me, in the Name of JESUS.

5. I am guilty, O LORD, wipe away my sins by the Blood of JESUS and let the Blood of JESUS speak mercy for me in this programme in JESUS Name.

6. ALMIGHTY GOD, help me not to be deceived as bad company corrupts good morals, in JESUS Name.

7. FATHER, empower me to overcome the power of temptation over my life, in the Name of JESUS.

8. Blood of JESUS, clear away all pollution, and defilement from my foundation, in the Name of JESUS.

9. Help me O LORD, to retain the knowledge of YOUR WORD in my heart so that I will not sin against YOU in JESUS Name. Psalm 119: 11.

10. O LORD, do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to YOUR love remember me, for YOU, LORD, are good. (Psalm 25:6-7).

11. You unfriendly friends in my life, make mistakes that will expose and disgrace you, in the Name of JESUS.

12. Let the arrow of fake lifestyle fired into my life, back fire, in the Name of JESUS.

13. FATHER, help me not to live a confusing lifestyle that is not profitable, in the Name of JESUS.

14. I break away from the influence of bad company and evil authority, in the Name of JESUS.

15. HOLY GHOST fire, destroy the foundation of unprofitable works and investment, in JESUS Name.

16. O GOD arise for me tonight and separate me from all unfriendly friends in the Name of JESUS.

17. I separate my life from every evil association and every evil gathering by the power in the Blood of JESUS.

18. Every damage done to my life by fake life, be repaired by the Blood of JESUS in the Name of JESUS.

19. Any strongman that says he will not let me see my real self, be roasted by fire in JESUS Name.

20. Let the power of the MOST HIGH, that took the Israelites out of Egypt take me out of this confusing lifestyle, in JESUS Name.

Prayer Assignment

Lay your right hand on your head: you serpent of anger, hiding in my body, be evacuated by fire and die, in the Name of JESUS.

Short Memory verses

Psalm 139:14, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 2:8.

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