Day 21 – 30 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme



Confession:  Leviticus 26:1

 Praise and worship

1. Thou power of deliverance, fall upon me now, in the Name of JESUS.

2. I break all ancestral covenants with any idol power of my father’s house, in the Name of JESUS.

3. Any rope, tying my family line to any evil power of my father’s house, break, in the Name of JESUS.

4. Blood of JESUS, HOLY GHOST fire, purify my foundation sins of idol worship, in the Name of JESUS.

5. I release myself from the family idol of struggle, poverty, bondage and begging, in the Name of JESUS.

6. O LORD, appear before any strong idols of my father’s house and silence their power and voices, in JESUS Name.

7. Any ancestral idolatry powers fighting against me from birth, die suddenly, in the Name of JESUS.

8. Blood of JESUS, separate me from every stubborn covenant of my father’s house, in the Name of JESUS.

9. Every curse that came to me through the sins of my ancestors, break by the Blood of JESUS.

10. Every angry altars of my father’s house/mother’s house, crying against my breakthrough, be silenced by fire, in JESUS Name.

11. HOLY GHOST fire, come to my rescue from the grip of evil dedication, in the Name of JESUS.

12.  O GOD of Elijah, if I have ever used my blood to make any agreement with any idol, deliver me by fire, in JESUS Name.

13. THOU power of GOD that swallowed the Egyptian serpents, swallow anything confronting my fruitfulness, in the Name of JESUS.

14. Any strongman going in and out of the water to do me harm, you will not come back alive, in the Name of JESUS.

15. Every agenda of the wicked elders to silence my destiny, to silence my star, scatter by fire in the Name of JESUS.

16. My FATHER, I’m tired of praying against evil foundations without any results. Arise and deal with my problems, in JESUS Name.

17. You generational idol that wants me to work hard and enjoy nothing, collide with the ROCK OF AGES, in the Name of JESUS.

18. Any idols of my father’s or mother’s house, swallowing the glory of my finances, vomit it and die, in JESUS Name.

19. Any witch sitting on any mortar, mat or stool to curse me, Angel Michael cut them off, in the Name of JESUS.

20. By the power in the Blood of JESUS, O GOD, arise, and remove my name and other material concerning me from any evil altars, jump out and locate me, in the Name of JESUS.

Prayer Assignment

Any evil food causing me to forget the important days of my life, flush away by fire, in the Name of JESUS.

Short Memory verses

Matthew 11:12, Deuteronomy 7:26, Revelations 12:11.

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