Day 26 – 30 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme



Confession: Galatians 6:17.

 Praise and worship

1. At this point, LORD. I must confess and repent every known sin and let the Blood of JESUS make me whole.

2. Blood of JESUS remove, cleanse, and purge the effect of every evil soul tie away from my life and destiny, in JESUS Name.

3. By the power in the Blood of JESUS, I submit my affections, emotions, desires, to the control of the HOLY SPIRIT, in JESUS Name.

4. Let every evil affections towards me be wiped off the mind of (mention the person’s name) in the Name of JESUS.

5. Let every soul tie and covenant with family gods, spirits and rivers, break now and release me, in the Name of JESUS.

6. I bind and break every ungodly relationship with the spirit husband/wife, by the Blood of JESUS, in JESUS Name.

7. I withdraw myself from any soul tie agreement that will invite witches and wizards into my life and destiny, in JESUS Name.

8. I break any covenant, empowering the marine spirit to give me the wrong suitors, loose your hold, in the Name of JESUS.

9. I claim deliverance from any negative affection toward anyone, in the Name of JESUS.

10. Whatever things that are binding me to stagnation and shame, break and loose your grip over me, in the Name of JESUS.

11. Blood of JESUS wash away all witchcraft handwriting in my life, in the Name of JESUS.

12. Any soul tie involving blood between me and any demons, I break and divorce you today, in JESUS Name.

13. Let the fire of GOD break and release me and my family from the soul tie attached to struggle and poverty, in JESUS Name.

14. I remove all mind control manipulations between me and any friend, family member, or evil authority figure, in the Name of JESUS.

15. Pick from the list below and say, “I break and renounce you in the Name of JESUS.”Evil soul ties that I have or have had with:- evil family members (mention their names) – past and present friends – sorcerers and witch doctors – spouse – preachers – evil authority figures – spirit spouse – evil societies – doctors – religious leaders – dead relatives – dead friends – any house – any animal – family idols and shrines – occult persons – demonic church – demonic school – marine kingdom – witchcraft powers – familiar spirits – gluttony – spirit of demotion – demonic caterers – spirit poverty – spirit of infirmity and sickness – spirit of insanity – spirit of death – graveyard spirits

16. By fire by force, I confess aloud any secret words maintaining evil covenant and oppression in my life, in the Name of JESUS.

17. I recover my marital blessings from the sexual covenant with my ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, in the Name of JESUS.

18. Any soul tie covenant with the powers of my father’s house or mother’s house, be purged out of my life, in the Name of JESUS.

19. I use the Blood of JESUS to divorce any ungodly relationship/marriage and break the verdict of the strongman, in JESUS Name.

20. Thank YOU JESUS for answering my prayers.

Prayer Assignment

O LORD, uphold me with the right hand of YOUR righteousness and help me (name the area of your life where you need help), in the Name of JESUS.

Short Memory verses

1 Corinthians 6:16-18, Genesis 2:24, Ruth 1:14-17.

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