Prayer Points for Clarity

Scripture: Isaiah 42:7

To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.

Prayer points

  1. FATHER LORD we pray for clarity in our relationship and walk with YOU. Please make all things clear to us in JESUS Name.
  2. ALMIGHTY GOD as we proclaim JESUS CHRIST as our LORD AND SAVIOUR, we seek eternal life, knowing  that you are the only ONE and only true GOD.
  3. FATHER LORD we want to be focused and clear so that we see what YOU are calling us to do, grasp the immensity of our faith and the joyful extravagance of YOUR love as we put our trust in YOU.
  4. Help us LORD to recognise and avail ourselves of the endless energy and boundless strength available to us in YOU in JESUS Name.
  5. JEHOVAH we want to know YOU clearly like Moses did. We have seen YOUR acts and we desire to know YOUR ways, help us in JESUS Name.
  6. ALMIGHTY GOD we ask that YOU  please open the eyes of the blind, bring us out of every form of prison and allow the light of JESUS shine into every form of darkness around us in JESUS Name.
  7. FATHER LORD please help us to see every vision YOU give to  us clearly, make it plain so that we may run with it courageously in JESUS Name.
  8. O LORD, please open our eyes that we may clearly see wondrous things in YOUR law and be guided therein in JESUS Name.
  9. YAHWEH  Let YOUR word dwell in our hearts to give us clarity, light and understanding so that studying YOUR word becomes easy and pleasurable  in JESUS Name.
  10. O LORD let us not become hypocrites, help us  by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT to remove the beam out of our eyes so that we can see clearly  before correcting others in JESUS Name.
  11. JEHOVAH help us to know unambiguously the true meaning of FAITH in YOU the eternal GOD. Let us know that when we stand on YOUR promises that can never ever fail.
  12. JESUS  open our eyes jointly and severally that we see and know YOU clearly in JESUS Name.
  13. We beseech YOU our HEAVENLY FATHER  for teachable spirits that we may see clearly, understand run the race before us with total clarity and never second guessing GOD in JESUS Name.
  14. FATHER LORD shine YOUR lights into our hearts and spirits. Henceforth  let our lives be filled up with light  so that we see in GOD in JESUS Name.
  15. Open our eyes LORD, turn us from darkness to light that we may receive forgiveness of sins and our inheritance among the sanctified by faith in JESUS Name.
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