Prayer Points For Reconciliation

Scripture: Proverbs 14:9

Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation.

Prayer Points

  1. O LORD I acknowledge my sins and faults and I seek YOUR forgiveness with a repentant heart in JESUS Name.
  2. O LORD, even though I do not deserve YOUR love or grace, watch over me for my good and care for me and bring me back into YOUR presence in JESUS Name.
  3. FATHER build me up with YOUR mighty right arm and plant my feet upon the solid ROCK of AGES in JESUS Name.
  4. LORD by YOUR mercy, do not tear me down and do not uproot me from YOUR side in JESUS Name.
  5. FATHER give me a heart of flesh, a a willing and obedient heart so that I will know YOU as my LORD and SAVIOUR and as the only true GOD who saves and restores in JESUS Name.
  6. LORD I have been unfaithful in so many ways, please help me to return to YOU wholeheartedly as YOUR treasured possession and the apple of YOUR eye in JESUS Name.
  7. LORD on the day of salvation, gather me and my loved ones together and bring us home to YOU in JESUS Name.
  8. FATHER as we return to YOU, I thank YOU for the good names that YOU have given us, names of distinction amongst YOUR glorious assembly in JESUS Name.
  9. Thank YOU FATHER for also restoring all our fortunes and blessings before our very eyes in JESUS Name.
  10. LORD save me from my foolish and riotous ways and bring me back into YOUR righteous Kingdom in JESUS Name.
  11. FATHER forgive me for the times I have failed to believe in YOUR Word and for the times I have failed to trust YOU. I ask that YOU be gracious to me and graft me back into YOUR Holy Tree where I truly belong in JESUS Name.
  12. Thank YOU FATHER for making YOUR SON who was without sin to bear my sins and through HIS death HE brought me back to YOU and made my life right with YOU in JESUS Name.
  13. FATHER I confess that I have walked far away from YOU and I ask that YOU bring me back to YOUR bosom through the Blood of YOUR SON, my SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST.
  14. LORD JESUS, as I return to the FATHER, fill me with YOUR peace and let it flow through my body, soul and spirit in JESUS Name.
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