Monday, January 31 2022 – 21 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

Sing praises to GOD in understanding and in the SPIRIT.

I Corinthians 14:15

Today is the day of thanks and appreciation to GOD for allowing YOU and the family of Rebirth to have completed this glorious journey.

FATHER, I thank YOU for the grace granted me and the family of Rebirth locally and globally in completing this spiritual adventure of 21 days of fasting and prayers.

I thank YOU for the manifestations of YOUR promises over us this year.

I pray that just as Hannah came back to Shiloh with Samuel as evidence of her prayer, YOU will grant me and Rebirth members the grace to come back with our testimonies.

I give YOU praise and thanks ahead for the testimonies of good things throughout this year.

I pray that this is our year of continuous testimonies of YOUR favour, YOUR goodness and of YOUR divine manifestations in our midst.

I am grateful for the privilege granted us to enjoy YOUR goodness and to be YOUR ambassadors this year and beyond.

I boldly affirm that my divine nature manifest multiplied productivity, my bosom is filled with plenty and satisfaction.

My mouth is filled with PRAISE, because GOD is my protection, and HIS power is at work in me for all-round possibilities.


I thank YOU that I do not need to be afraid or dismayed. You are my SAVIOUR, and YOU have brought me and my loved ones to a place of quiet and ease. 

I thank You that YOU have restored my health and healed me. 

YOU have had compassion on me, and You have restored all that was lost. 

Sounds of celebration will come out of my mouth, for YOU have honoured me and established me. Amen.

Praise GOD in the SPIRIT (unknown tongues) if you are led.

1 Corinthians 14:15

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