You will begin prayers at 11.40pm on Thursday 30 June, 2022.
Praise Worship (At least 20 Minutes)
July – the month of Joy and Thanksgiving
This month, GOD has promised us that we are entering into a time of great joy; gladness; jubilation; enjoyment; elation; bliss and delight.
HE also promised that as we enter the second half of 2022, rather than be perplexed by anything or anyone, we shall experience fulfilment and jubilation all through the year and beyond in JESUS Name.
May this be our portion in JESUS Name. Amen!
Nehemiah 8:10
New International Version
10 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our LORD. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to GOD.
Prayer Points
- Thank GOD for the new month of Joy and Thanksgiving; for sparing our lives up till this moment as we celebrate the success of a new month.
- As I welcome this month, let me remember to show gratitude for all the blessings I have and pray that all my goals and dreams continue to come true.
- Dedicate this month to GOD and declare that it is well with you.
- Commit every day of July into GOD’S hands and tell HIM to have HIS way in your life in JESUS Name.
- My FATHER, My FATHER, I stand upon YOUR WORD in Isaiah 54:17; I decree that no weapon formed against me this month shall prosper in the Name of JESUS.
- JEHOVAH NISSI, fight my battles in the day and fight my battles in the night. Thank YOU LORD for in line with Psalm 91, YOU are satisfying me with long life.
- Every enemy of my destiny, die in JESUS Name.
- This month my heart is filled with thanks because I am encountering GOD’S goodness and enduring love.
- I will share with others what GOD is doing in my life, and as I do so, my gratitude overflows onto them.
- This month I see GOD transforming deserts into gardens, causing joy and gladness to flourish in my soul in the mighty Name of JESUS.
- GOD will using me to supply the needs of the LORD’S people, resulting in many expressions of thanks to GOD in JESUS Name.
- Thank GOD for the Rebirth Ministry.
- Thank GOD for answered prayers.