What Is Happening To My Marriage? – Day 12

Friday 16 September 2022

  • I speak destruction unto every root of failure programmed against my marriage from the heavens in the Name of JESUS.
  • I speak destruction unto every satanic embargo established against my marriage from the heavens in the Name of JESUS.
  • I speak destruction unto every satanic roadblock mounted against my marriage from the heavens in the Name of JESUS.
  • Any satanic blanket in the heavens covering the glory of my marriage be consumed by the fire of GOD in JESUS’ Name.
  • Evil hands of darkness troubling my family, be cut of now in the Name of JESUS.
  • That satanic timetable and clock ticking against my marriage, be destroyed by thunder fire of GOD in JESUS’ Name.
  • I speak confusion of tongues into evil agreements, evil unity and evil communication against my marriage in JESUS’ Name.
  • I release myself from every evil marriage in the spirit; I declare that I am married to JESUS in JESUS’ Name.
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