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Storming The Gates of The Month of November 2022

26 October, 2022 - 1 November, 2022

You will begin prayers ‪at 11.40pm on Monday 31 October, 2022‬.

Praise Worship (At least 20 Minutes)

November – the month of Promise

Ephesians 1:11-14

11 In HIM we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of HIM WHO works out everything in conformity with the purpose of HIS will, 12 in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in CHRIST, might be for the praise of HIS glory. 13 And you also were included in CHRIST when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in HIM with a seal, the promised HOLY SPIRIT, 14 WHO is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are GOD’S possession – to the praise of HIS glory.

JESUS CHRIST called the HOLY SPIRIT, “the Promise of MY FATHER”.

JESUS commanded the disciples to tarry in the city of Jerusalem until the fulfilment of this promise.
We have many promises from the LORD, but the HOLY SPIRIT is the PROMISE of promises to the church.
The HOLY SPIRIT is the first instalment, that guarantees everything GOD has promised us.
If HE fulfilled the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT, there is no promise HE will not fulfil in our lives.
One of the roles of the HOLY SPIRIT of Promise is that HE brings to our remembrance every promise of GOD for our lives.
There are promises that eye has not seen, that ear has not heard, that the heart has not conceived, which the FATHER has prepared for those who love HIM, but the HOLY SPIRIT reveals them to us. There are promises specifically ordained for fulfilment in 2022, the HOLY SPIRIT is with us, to guide and lead us, to walk in the realities of those promises.
The HOLY SPIRIT is GOD’S seal of ownership, upon every believer.
It is the mark showing we belong to HIM.
GOD identified us as HIS OWN, by placing the HOLY SPIRIT in our heart.
We will be committing November 2022 into the hand of GOD, asking the HOLY SPIRIT of Promise to do justice, to all the promises due for fulfilment in 2022, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.


Prayer Points

  • * Let us begin to thank GOD for the month of November, appreciating HIM for HIS goodness and mercy towards members of our families, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * Let us begin to commit November 2022 into the hands of the LORD, asking that the HOLY SPIRIT will take pre-eminence in all our activities throughout the rest of the year, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * We pray, that throughout 2022 the HOLY SPIRIT shall guide us into all truth regarding GOD’S expectations, and promises for our lives and destinies, bringing us into revelation in season and out of season, giving us fresh update, and clear mandate for the rest of 2022, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * Let us declare, that throughout 2022, bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking and malice keeping, shall not be part of our lives, and we shall have no reason to grieve the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * In the remaining days of 2022, the energy of the flesh shall not dominate the affairs of our lives, and we shall not birth Ishmael, but by the assistance of the SPIRIT of the LORD, what shall be found with us, shall be the product of the HOLY SPIRIT of Promise, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * We declare that throughout 2022, our thoughts and imagination shall not be subjected to the manipulation of the enemy, but shall be submitted and found fit, for the HOLY SPIRIT to communicate the mind of GOD to us, on every issue in our lives, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * Let us declare that throughout 2022, opportunities shall not catch us unprepared, or unaware, we shall be properly and adequately furnished by the HOLY SPIRIT of Promise, to seize the moment, giving us the right answer for every question, under any circumstances, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * In 2022, we shall not miss our Kairos moment, and we shall not miss our divine forerunners, but by divine arrangement, and orchestration, we shall recognize and connect with destinies that are significant to the fulfilment of our assignments, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * Throughout November, we shall not see death, disaster, or destruction, but by the help of the HOLY SPIRIT, we shall see the fulfilment of everything that has been written and documented concerning our lives and destinies, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * Let us declare and prophesy, that this new month, the LORD shall point us out, and show us off, through the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT to helpers of destinies, divine announcers, and appointed recommender for miracle jobs, contracts, and appointments, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * I refuse to be a local champion, I embrace my global status in CHRIST, by the help of the HOLY SPIRIT. I shall reach all the places, all nations and continents, that are connected to my destiny fulfilment, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * O LORD throughout this month and beyond, we shall enjoy the partnership of the HOLY SPIRIT, representing CHRIST in our various fields of endeavour, achieving undeniable feats, as a proof and evidence, that CHRIST is alive forevermore, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  • * Thank GOD for the Rebirth Ministry.
  • * Thank GOD for answered prayers.


26 October, 2022
1 November, 2022
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