Day 11. – 12 January 2023

Prayer Points

  1. Let’s pray together that the rule of GOD will come in this world and that HIS will be done here on earth as it is done in heaven.
  2. Let’s pray together for religious tolerance in the world
  3. Let’s pray against the spirit of persecution against Christians that is so prevalent in some countries such as Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim and Communist countries
  4. Let us pray regarding other issues such as gender, pollution, poverty in the nations. That GOD will destroy every device of the enemy
  5. Let’s also pray for the unity of the church that is the Body of CHRIST in all the nations for it is when we are united that we show to the world that we are true disciples of JESUS CHRIST our unique SAVIOUR and LORD
  6. May GOD heal the nations for a healthy sustenance of the human race and creation. FATHER bring healing to our land and all nations of the world
  7. Dear GOD, thank YOU for this beautiful day and awesome creation
  8. At this time we pray for the peace of the whole world and all nations. FATHER let there be peace in all nations of the world this year
  9. We pray for the leaders and the law makers of all the nations so that GOD gives them the right wisdom to lead the nations in the right direction.
  10. We pray for the suffering humanity because of various political and religious wars. FATHER please let there be peace
  11. FATHER, heal the nations and revive the humanity. Let there be healing in our land in JESUS name
  12. We pray for all the power structures to be activated with GOD’s power rather than selfishness.
  13. We thank YOU LORD for YOUR unending grace and presence.
  14. In JESUS name we pray.
  15. Pray today against all demonic powers controlling your nation
  16. We pray against the demonic princes that have been delegated to dominate over our nations. we rebuke and bind them all in the mighty name of JESUS
  17. Pray for the spiritual revival & evangelization of your nation. FATHER let there be revival
  18. Pray for the political leaders (executive, legislative, judiciary & administrative),
  19. Pray for peace, reconciliation, national unity & stability of your nation, LORD there shall be no war.
  20. Pray for the economy & for financial prosperity.
  21. LORD prosper our nations.
  22. Pray for social justice & against income inequality in your nation
  23. FATHER, we pray for the forth coming elections in Nigeria and every other nation preparing for elections.
  24. FATHER let there be peace
  25. Thank GOD for answers to your prayers.
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