Day 12. – 13 January 2023

Prayer Points

  1. FATHER I praise and worship YOU for YOU reign.
  2. I praise YOU for YOUR protection, surely they gathered, they continue to gather and as YOU promised, they fell and will continue to fall before us.
  3. I thank YOU FATHER for my soul has escaped from the fowler’s snare; the snare is broken and I am free.
  4. FATHER I come to YOU, to obtain mercy; FATHER have mercy on me and hear my prayers.
  5. O GOD, the strength of my salvation! Cover my head in the day of battle in the Name of JESUS.
  6. For there is no sorcery against (your name) nor any divination against (your name); Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse shall not stand against me in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  7. FATHER as the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker while the house of David grew stronger and stronger, cause my enemies to grow weaker and weaker as I grow stronger and stronger in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  8. FATHER arise in YOUR anger and fight for me, let every aggression addressed at my star be paralysed in JESUS Name.
  9. By the power in the Name of JESUS let every evil effect of military equipment of satan (amulets, necromancy, the zodiac, fetishes, images statuettes, intermediaries in the service of satan, evil secret agents, spies in the churches) released against my life be nullified.
  10. By the power in the Name of JESUS let every evil collective unity organised against me be broken and shattered.
  11. I release the thunder fire of GOD, the consuming fire to visit and consume the military bases and headquarters of the devil (witches covens, wizardry houses, the satanic, occult, mystics, sacred forests) now in the Name of JESUS.
  12. Plead the Blood of JESUS (12 times), this represents every month of the year 2023.
  13. Blood of JESUS, saturate my environment.
  14. My FATHER, My FATHER arise in YOUR anger and let principalities, evil powers, rulers of darkness, the spiritual hosts of wickedness perish in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  15. As they arise for my sake, let them fall in their multitudes in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  16. By the power in the Blood of JESUS I render null and void the effect of any interaction with satanic agents moving around as men and women in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  17. Let every human agent assigned by satan as a tool of destruction against me be rendered impotent and be disgraced in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  18. Let the blood, strength and power of stubborn oppressors dry up in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  19. My FATHER by the order of Matthew 15:13 let every evil thing in my life be uprooted, FATHER plant good things in my life this year in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  20. According to John 8:38 if the SON has set you free, you are free through and through, JESUS won the war against satan and his elite troops by HIS victory on the Cross, holding onto this banner of victory I claim my freedom in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  21. Thank YOU FATHER for victory and answering our prayers.
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