Day 16. – 17January 2023

Prayer Points

  1. Let’s pray that GOD takes us away from false brothers and sisters.
  2. Let’s pray that GOD sends us good partners, people who seek GOD
  3. Let’s pray that GOD tests and sanctifies HIS people every day by the power of HIS SPIRIT.
  4. Let’s pray that the mighty Hand of GOD overturns all our enemies
  5. Let’s pray that all the Dothan and Abiram among the people are unveiled and put out of business, in the mighty name of JESUS.
  6. Let’s pray that we will love GOD more than we love the world in the mighty Name of JESUS (1 John 15:15).
  7. Let’s pray that pride will not get in our way of serving GOD diligently in JESUS Name.
  8. Let’s pray that we will always do the will of GOD in the Name of JESUS.
  9. Let’s pray that we will not provoke the HOLY SPIRIT in the mighty Name of JESUS (Numbers 11:4)
  10. Let’s pray that we will have a deeper intimacy with GOD and a deeper revelation of who HE is in JESUS Name
  11. Let’s pray that as the deer pants for waters so shall our heart pants after GOD (Psalms 42:1).
  12. Let’s pray that GOD will help us eyes be focused on HIM alone.
  13. Let’s pray that we will be obedient to the WORD of GOD in JESUS Name.
  14. Let’s pray that GOD ALMIGHTY will teach us HIS ways in JESUS Name.
  15. Let’s pray that we will be thankful in all circumstances, for this is GOD’S will for you and I (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
  16. Thank YOU LORD for answered prayers.
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