O LORD! show me the secret of my life – Prayer conclusion 2023

Prayer Assignment to Provoke Prophetic Dreams and Visions

(12AM -2AM)

Isaiah 48:17

Thus says the LORD, your REDEEMER,
The Holy ONE of Israel:
“I AM the LORD your GOD,
WHO teaches you to profit,
WHO leads you by the way you should go.

Isaiah 25:7

And HE will destroy on this mountain
The surface of the covering cast over all people,
And the veil that is spread over all nations.


  1. My FATHER (3x) YOU are the REVEALER of secrets.
    Reveal to me the secrets about my life that I need to know in JESUS Name.
  2. HOLY GHOST fire (3x) destroy every spiritual dark forces preventing me from hearing GOD tonight in HOLY GHOST fire
  3. My FATHER (3x) Connect my ears to the mouth of the HOLY GHOST in JESUS Name.
  4. Blood of JESUS (3x) wash away every dark covering from my spiritual eyes in JESUS Name.
  5. O voice of the LORD (7x) echo in my spirit in the Name of JESUS.
  6. My FATHER (3x) Daniel encountered YOU in a night vision, let me encounter YOU tonight in JESUS Name.
  7. My FATHER (3x) YOU visited Joseph in his dreams and YOU gave him direction. Visit me in my dreams tonight and show me direction in JESUS Name.
  8. O LORD on this matter make YOUR way plain before me on this issue (………………) in JESUS Name.
  9. My FATHER (3x) reveal to me tonight the secrets I should know about my life in JESUS Name.
  10. GOD give me the information that will transform my life in JESUS Name.
  11. HOLY GHOST fire (3x) ignite my dream life and revive it in JESUS Name.
  12. O LORD reveal to me the secret to my breakthrough in life in JESUS Name.
  13. O LORD send YOUR axe of fire to the root of my problem now in JESUS Name.
  14. HOLY GHOST fire travel to the minute of my life when problems entered into my life and intervene in JESUS Name.
  15. O LORD show me beneficial secrets that would move my life forward and upward in JESUS Name.
  16. Show me O LORD what I need to know about my future in JESUS Name.
  17. HOLY GHOST fire remove every scale of darkness from my eyes in JESUS Name.
  18. O GOD arise, expose unfriendly friends  and every wolf in sheep’s clothing around my life now in JESUS Name.
  19. My FATHER (3x) reveal myself to me in JESUS Name.
  20. HOLY GHOST fire purge my spiritual ears and my eyes in JESUS Name.
  21. Anointing for clear vision, dreams, hearing and discernment in JESUS Name.
  22. Thank GOD for answered prayers.
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