Day 10. – 11 January 2023

Prayer Points

  1. Thank GOD for HIS provision in your life.
  2. Thank GOD for HIS prosperity in your life.
  3. Thank the LORD JESUS, for HIS transfer of divine prosperity in your life, for the Bible says, that HE took your poverty upon HIMSELF and gave you HIS riches, so that you can become rich.
  4. Confess and repent, from all your sins of disobedience and unfaithfulness, in the areas of finances and giving, in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  5. Ask the LORD to deliver you from a poverty mind-set, in the mighty Name of JESUS
  6. Ask the LORD, deliver you from the spirit of poverty, in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  7. Pray to the LORD, for the deliverance, from a spirit of dependency and laziness
  8. In the authority of the Name of JESUS, refuse and reject any spirit of laziness, poverty, want and neediness.
  9. Proclaim and reclaim, by faith, that the wealth of your heavenly FATHER are yours, in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  10. Proclaim and reclaim, by faith that as heirs of your Heavenly FATHER and co-heirs with JESUS CHRIST, you have the right of possession, to all the divine riches and wealth, in the mighty Name of JESUS
  11. Decree and command, by faith that everything that the enemy has stolen be returned to you, in the mighty Name of JESUS .
  12. Decree and command, that all the things, that the locusts have eaten in your life be returned double-fold, in the mighty Name of JESUS (Joel 2:25)
  13. Command, that all divine blessings will follow and overtake you, in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  14. Confess that you must be prosperous, in all areas of your life, as you prosper in your soul, in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  15. Decree divine increase in your life in the Name of JESUS.
  16. Decree divine abundance, in your life in the Name of JESUS.
  17. Decree and command, that you shall be a lender not a borrower, in the Name of JESUS (Deuteronomy 28:12b)
  18. Confess that GOD has opened for you all HIS good treasure, in the Name of JESUS (Deuteronomy 28:12a)
  19. Confess and decree, the blessings, of Joseph are yours, the blessings of heaven above, the blessings of the deep that lie below, the blessings of the breast and blessings of the womb, the fullness of the blessings of the earth, in the mighty Name of JESUS (Genesis 49:25-26; Deuteronomy 33:13-16)
  20. Confess that GOD has opened the gates of heaven, to pour HIS blessings upon you, in the Name of JESUS (Malachi 3:10)
  21. Reclaim and proclaim! by faith, that all the material and financial promises of GOD for you in HIS WORD (Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Malachi 3:10; Proverbs 3:9-10) are yours in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  22. Thank GOD for answered prayers.
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