Day 13. – 14 January 2023

Prayer Points

  1. We pray that The HOLY SPIRIT touches hearts to motivate us not to give up the battle.
  2. That an army of younger believers will rise up as valiant soldiers to continue the fight.
  3. That GOD equips this new army and strengthens the position of the former in the battle.
  4. That no guard will be down and there will be vigilance, for the enemy though defeated has not said its last word.
  5. Let’s pray that all believers in all nations are aware of the danger of the enemy regrouping.
  6. Let’s pray that the war efforts of satan are destroyed in the Name of JESUS
  7. FATHER, we will not have to fight, for YOU are the DEFENDER of the defenseless, fight our battles.
  8. We declare we shall be victorious drawing in YOUR covenant of victory that was upon David.
  9. Pray in tongues for 20 minutes.
  10. Thank GOD for answered prayers.
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