Day 14. – 15 January 2023

Prayer Points

  1. Let’s pray for many conversions to take place at all levels in all nations.
  2. Let’s pray to overthrow the designs and the grip of satan over humanity.
  3. Let’s pray together to break down the grip of satan on the people so that power of hell will not prevail over the Church.
  4. Let’s pray together to destroy all satanic projects by bringing confusion among his all intermediate agents.
  5. Let’s pray that the media will be used by the children of GOD to snatch souls from the devil.
  6. Let’s pray that the yokes and the links of satanists in the world be broken in JESUS Name.
  7. Thou satanic destroying mountain on the earth today, be removed and be cast into the sea in the Name of JESUS.
  8. My FATHER, bulldoze and destroy every tyrannical regime set up to enslave YOUR people in the Name of JESUS.
  9. By the Blood of JESUS, we overcome every lying and deceptive satanic spirit operating on earth today in the Name of JESUS.
  10. O LORD bring forth the day of YOUR vengeance against the powers targeting YOUR children for destruction in JESUS Name.
  11. O GOD arise, be exalted, lift up yourself against the enemies of humanity in the Name of JESUS.
  12. O LORD be gracious unto us, be our strong arm every morning, be our salvation in the day of trouble in JESUS Name.
  13. O LORD turn the table of global events against the oppressors in the Name of JESUS.
  14. O GOD arise, send a blast upon the brain trust of our enemies in the Name of JESUS.
  15. Let divine wisdom and knowledge be the stability of our times in JESUS Name.
  16. O GOD arise, expose and disgrace every satanic conspiracy of darkness against us by fire in the Name of JESUS.
  17. O heavens we command you to stop taking instructions from the enemies of GOD in the Name of JESUS.
  18. We deprogramme by fire every evil agenda in the heavenlies against the children of GOD in the Name of JESUS.
  19. Every war of power, profit and control waged against us, be defeated by the Hosts of Heaven in the Name of JESUS.
  20. O thunder and fire of GOD, clear the heavenlies of wicked enchantments and incantations in the Name of JESUS.
  21. O GOD arise by fire, disconnect YOUR enemies from their sources of power in the Name of JESUS.
  22. Every force of darkness contending with the destiny of our children, scatter unto desolation in the Name of JESUS.
  23. We release confusion of tongues into the camp of the enemies of the gospel in JESUS Name.
  24. Thank GOD for answered prayers.
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