Day 15. – 16 January 2023

Prayer Points

  1. FATHER revive YOUR church afresh. Fill the church with fresh power and fire in JESUS Name.
  2. Like the day of Pentecost, FATHER please let fresh fire fall upon the church and all Christians in JESUS Name.
  3. FATHER YOUR WORD says that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. FATHER let every plan and scheming of the enemy against the church fail in JESUS Name.
  4. Like the men of Issachar who had understanding of the times, FATHER we pray that Christians realize the reality of the dangers of infiltration of the devil in the Church and take action through persistent prayers in JESUS Name.
  5. FATHER we ask for discernment that the servants of GOD and indeed all Christians are able to see through every scheme of the enemy no matter how well concealed in JESUS Name.
  6. FATHER we pray that the church would not adopt the ways of the world, instead the church would be an agent of transformation snatching back the world from the grip of the enemy in JESUS Name.
  7. LORD we ask that every believer would seek sanctification and holiness without which no one can see GOD. We pray LORD that Christians would move away from worldly desires to the quest to know YOU intimately in JESUS Name.
  8. We pray that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church and YOUR children in JESUS Name.
  9. FATHER, every weapon that has been forged or is being forged against the Church, we command these weapons to be destroyed in JESUS Name. Weapons using the guise of entertainment, music, technology, etc, we destroy these weapons in the Name of JESUS.
  10. FATHER purify YOUR church, LORD, purify YOUR people, let us be set apart for you in JESUS Name; that YOU LORD, would meet an undefiled church when YOU return in JESUS Name.
  11. FATHER, let YOUR fear grip the hearts of YOUR children and the church at large, that we will live and serve YOU reverentially in JESUS Name.
  12. FATHER make us watchmen that pray day and night to counter every attack of the enemy against the church in JESUS Name.
  13. LORD we pray for Rebirth, that as a ministry we would not be caught in the schemes of the enemy in JESUS Name. Every plan of satan for this ministry is destroyed by fire in JESUS Name.
  14. FATHER, as individuals and as the body of CHRIST at large, help us to be alert O LORD so that we shall not be swept away by the enemy in JESUS Name.
  15. We declare once again that the gates of hell shall not prevail over the church, over the Rebirth Ministry and over our lives in JESUS Name.
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