Day 19. – 20 January 2023

Prayer Points

  1. FATHER we thank YOU for YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST and the emotional healing that HE has provided for us through HIS sacrificial death on the Cross of Calvary
  2. Thank YOU LORD JESUS for being our emotional HEALER
  3. Thank YOU LORD for YOUR power that heals all emotional distress, all our invisible wounds and all our deepest hurts!
  4. Thank YOU LORD for understanding me, knowing all I went through, all the abuses that have been done unto me. Thank YOU LORD for healing me.
  5. Thank YOU LORD for helping me to face all these painful experiences in an honest way and I have overcome them through YOUR Grace and Power
  6. I confess and repent of the part I played in my emotional distress and wounding in JESUS Name
  7. Dear LORD, sometimes I wonder if I can carry on because the pain and anguish is too much. I feel the pain LORD but I surrender to YOU this morning. I trust YOU LORD
  8. LORD, no one really understands the wounds, pain, anguish and turmoil I am going through. O LORD, please heal my emotions and wounded heart in JESUS Name.
  9. My SAVIOUR, help me.
  10. LORD, YOU are the only ONE I can confide in. I ask that YOU completely heal my emotions, wounded heart, body, soul and spirit in JESUS Name.
  11. LORD, saturate my mind with YOUR soothing balm and YOUR healing love, and remove all the negative emotions inside me in JESUS Name.
  12. LORD, YOU created me and YOU know me better than I know myself. I invite YOU into my heart and humbly ask that YOU bind up the brokenness within me in JESUS Name.
  13. In the mighty Name of JESUS, I confess that I have been healed from all the abuse, emotional hurts and wounds through the Blood of JESUS and by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.
  14. FATHER thank YOU for healing me from physical abuse.
  15. FATHER thank YOU for healing me from all emotional abuse.
  16. FATHER thank YOU for healing me from mental abuse.
  17. FATHER thank YOU for healing me from all sexual abuse.
  18. Thank YOU LORD for healing all my emotional wounds and hurt.
  19. LORD help me to forgive all those who have hurt and wounded me, even those who are still trying to hurt me today.
  20. Today in the mighty Name of JESUS, I decide to forgive all my abusers and set them free from the consequences of their evil actions against me. FATHER forgive them for they did not know what they were doing. Help them to understand and discover and experience the true meaning of YOUR Love as I have come to understand by YOUR Grace
  21. LORD thank YOU for removing from my shoulders this heavy load of emotional distress and suffering I have carried for too long. Thank YOU so much for the release and the opportunity to rest and relax in YOU in JESUS Name.
  22. Thank YOU LORD for answered prayers
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