Prayers for our Children April 2020 – Every Wednesday


Proverbs 10:27

27 The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.

Psalm 116:8

8 For THOU hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.

Psalm 102:20

20 To hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are appointed to death;

John 5:26

26 For as the FATHER hath life in HIMSELF; so hath HE given to the SON to have life in HIMSELF;

Prayer Points

  1. Thank GOD for the power over death through our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
  2. I release the destiny of my children from the hold of sudden death in JESUS Name. Every evil plan of death against my children, be aborted in JESUS Name.
  3. Arrows of untimely death fired into the lives of my children, backfire in JESUS Name. My children shall not be mistaken for evildoers in JESUS Name.
  4. Attempt of sudden death against my children, be aborted in JESUS Name.
  5. Every satanic grave dug for my children, swallow your diggers in JESUS Name.
  6. Every wicked personality preparing coffins for my children in their past, present and future, enter your coffins in JESUS Name.
  7. My children’s lives will not be aborted before their GOD ordained time in JESUS Name.
  8. Every satanic extinguisher of destinies fashioned against my children, be dismantled in JESUS Name .
  9. O LORD, let not the stars of my children be cut short in JESUS Name .
  10. Every door of untimely death opened to satan by me or my ancestors, be closed by the Blood of JESUS.
  11. Evil consultations going on anywhere to cut short the lives of my children, be scattered and destroyed in JESUS Name.
  12. Every destiny paralysing power fashioned against my children, perish by fire in JESUS Name.
  13. O LORD, release my children’s lives from negative prophecies and predictions of premature death, in JESUS Name.
  14. Evil thoughts and plans to harm/kill my children, be aborted by the Blood of JESUS.
  15. I declare that my children will not die, but live to declare the glory of GOD in JESUS Name.
  16. I renounce all hidden and known covenants, vows, oaths, decrees of death and hell that may cause untimely death for my children, in JESUS Name.
  17. Altars of death and hell erected against my children, be dismantled in JESUS Name.
  18. I reject air, road, sea and domestic accidents this year for my children in JESUS Name.
  19. Whatever is giving my children comfort will not kill them in JESUS Name.
  20. By the Blood of JESUS, I renew my children’s divine insurance against mysterious death, sorrow, tragedy and spiritual attacks in JESUS Name.
  21. Every weapon of death against my children this year will not prosper in JESUS Name.
  22. Angel of life, maintain security around me and my family throughout this year in JESUS Name.
  23. O LORD prevent my children from trips that will lead to sorrow and tragedy in JESUS Name.
  24. By the Blood of JESUS, I and my family will escape all traps of tragedies this year in JESUS Name.
  25. Thank GOD for the life of our SL and her family.
  26. Thank GOD for answered prayers.

April 2

April 3

April 4

April 5

April 6

April 7

april 9

April 10

April 11
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