Day 1 – 30 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme


Confession: Psalm 30:1-12.

Praise and worship

  1. I will praise YOU because YOU are my REDEEMER and the LIFTER of my soul.
  2. I will thank YOU for making me experience YOUR blessing on another day and year.
  3. I thank YOU for YOUR provision, grace and mercies upon me and also for keeping watch over me and my family.
  4. I will praise and thank YOU for YOU have done wonderful things for me and my family (Isaiah 25:1).
  5. As long as I am still alive, O LORD, praises will not cease in my mouth from henceforth.
  6. My FATHER, thank YOU for the Salvation of my soul and YOUR Precious gift of Eternal Life in JESUS Name. (Ephesians 2: 8)
  7. I will give thanks to YOU, LORD, with all my heart;I will tell of all YOUR wonderful deeds to the world. (Psalm 9:1).
  8. I thank YOU for divine health, protection, stability and forgiveness upon me. I appreciate all these in my life.
  9. I will continue to thank YOU in pains and in blessings for being my everlasting FATHER.
  10. I thank and praise YOU, GOD of my ancestors: YOU have given me wisdom and power, YOU have made known to me what we asked of YOU, YOU have made known to us the dream of the king. (Daniel 2:23).
  11. I will praise YOU because YOUR love and mercy are with me forever.
  12. I will praise and magnify YOUR Names for the peace and happiness which YOU have bestowed upon me.
  13. I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my GOD as long as I live. (Psalm 146:1-2).
  14. Because the LORD did not allow me to end my life in vain, I will thank HIM from everlasting to everlasting.
  15. I will praise GOD’S Name in song and glorify HIM with thanksgiving and rejoicing (Psalm 69:30).
  16. Begin to thank HIM for everything HE has done for you (15 minutes).
  17. LORD, YOU are my GOD; I will exalt YOU and praise YOUR Name, for in perfect faithfulness YOU have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. (Isaiah 25:1).
  18. I praise and thank YOU because my whole being longs for YOU, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. (Psalm 63:1).
  19. FATHER, I praise YOU because, YOU are ever patient and ever merciful to me.
  20. FATHER, I thank YOU for the grace to be alive and to sing your praises to YOU today in Jesus name.

Prayer Assignment:

O LORD, change my life and take me from glory to greater glory, in JESUS Name.

Short Memory verses:

Psalm 19:14, Psalm 95:1-2, Psalm 136:1 and 26.


Write out what you want GOD to do for you in the new year. And also write out what you don’t want to see again and again (problems) on a piece of paper and burn it after the end of the 30 day fasting programme. Let holiness be your priority. It’s a very sensitive spiritual exercise; Please, don’t try to fall into sin (Temptation) during this period.

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