Day 2 – 30 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme


Confession: 1 John 1:9.

Praise and worship.

  1. O LORD, show me YOUR mercy and revive me through the power of YOUR forgiveness, in the Name of JESUS (Psalm 86:5).
  2. In YOUR mercy O LORD, do not cast me away, in the Name of JESUS.
  3. GOD, hear my cry, cover me with YOUR mercy, in the Name of JESUS.
  4. My FATHER, show me YOUR mercy over my business, my family, my office, in the Name of JESUS.
  5. Mercy of GOD, erase every negative word affecting my life, in the Name of JESUS (pray in tongues as led).
  6. Mercy of GOD; restore all my lost blessings in the Name of JESUS.
  7. Where my strength and skill cannot take me to; LORD, by YOUR mercy catapult me there in the Name of JESUS.
  8. The sins of my parents upon my head, mercy of GOD take them away, in JESUS Name.
  9. FATHER, I cry out unto YOU concerning my present situation, O LORD arise by YOUR mercy and silence my problems, in JESUS Name.
  10. O heaven help me and forgive me of all my past sin affecting the seed of greatness, in the Name of JESUS.
  11. By YOUR great mercy O LORD, do not ignore my cry of forgiveness or abandon me, for YOU are my gracious and merciful GOD (Nehemiah 9:31).
  12. No matter what others have done to me, O LORD, grant me the spirit of love and forgiveness so that YOU can forgive me of my sins, in JESUS Name (Mat 6:14).
  13. Let YOUR mercy save me from the curse of sin, tribulation, and troubles, in the Name of JESUS (Ephesians 2:4-5).
  14. I remove myself from any sin or negative attitude that will separate me from my HEAVENLY FATHER (GOD), in JESUS Name.
  15. LORD JESUS, forgive me for having ever disobeyed YOU, in the Name of JESUS.(Psalm 81:11)
  16. O LORD, send YOUR life changing and destiny fulfilling word into my life, today, in the Name of JESUS.
  17. FATHER, because I surrender my life to YOU, deliver me from troubles that seems not to end, in the Name of JESUS.
  18. Hey devil, YOU can no longer tempt me with YOUR sin, because I am redeemed by the Blood of JESUS, in the Name of JESUS.
  19. Father, grant me favour in the eyes of everyone who is in the position to help me fulfill my dreams, in the Name of JESUS.
  20. Begin to ask GOD to have mercy and forgive you of all your sins (20 minutes)

Prayer Assignment:

FATHER, I confess all my sins to YOU, grant me the grace to flee from them completely, in the Name of JESUS.

Short Memory verses:

Psalm 51:1-2, Matthew 6:14 , Romans 6:15 .

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