Day 25 – 30 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

New Year 30 Days Prayer Programme


1. Start with praises and worship (15 minutes) – Isaiah 25:1, 1 Chronicles 29:11.

2. Speak out loud Scriptures promising deliverance. (45 minutes)

* Luke 10:19,

* Ephesians 1:7,

* Romans 16:20,

* Revelation 12:11,

* Colossians 2:14,15,

* Galatians 3:13,14,

* Psalm 91:3.

* 2 Timothy 4:18.

3. Ask for the power of the HOLY GHOST (20 minutes) – Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-21. Do this aggressively by laying hands on your head.

4. Release yourself from faulty foundation and inherited problems. (Ezekiel 13:14, Psalm 11:3). Demonstrate and say, I break and release myself from every foundational curses I have inherited, in the Name of JESUS. (15 minutes).

5. Lay your hands on your legs and declare this for 10 minutes: Let the fire of GOD release me from inherited and unfinished battles, in JESUS Name.

6. Grab your waist with your hands for 15 minutes and say this: As I shake my body, let every unclean arrow of the wicked fired into my life to come out, in the Name of JESUS.

7. During deliverance session jumping is allowed. You will jump everywhere physically. Get yourself ready now. Say this: As I jump, I jump out from any demonic cage, ancestral yoke, inherited generational afflictions, village spiritual prison, in the Name of JESUS, I claim my deliverance today.

8. Lay your hands on your head and begin to cover your head with the Blood of JESUS. Pray like this for 10 minutes: Let the Blood of JESUS neutralize any problems penetrated through my head – destiny, in the Name of JESUS.

9. Lay your hand on your stomach or navel and begin to pray like this: My glory in the cage of darkness come out now and shine in JESUS Name.

10. Take a glass of water and decree these Bible verses into it: John 4:14, Genesis 1:2. You demonstrate this now by saying: As I drink this water, let it carry the power of GOD to loose and separate me from generational curses and unfruitfulness. As I use this water to bath, I shake myself off: I release myself from the grip of any marine witchcraft assigned against me, in the Name of JESUS. Pray it well for 20 minutes.

11. Open your mouth wide for about 7 minutes. This must continue until you have a release in your spirit to stop. (You may cough while doing this. It’s normal) By doing this, you are being set free from demonic oppression as the arrows are coming out through your mouth. After that, use that same water guide as above to wash your mouth thoroughly. May your mouth not put you in problems this year, in JESUS Name.

12. Declare this as many as possible: Blood of JESUS wash me. Blood of JESUS, saturate me. Blood of JESUS save me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me.

13. Write out the names of all the demons you think they are attacking you. For example: Demons of marine spirit, I am not your candidate, I bind and cast out of my life, in the Name of JESUS. Pray as many times as possible.

14. Shout HOLY GHOST fire 21 times. Shout the Blood of JESUS 21 times. Shout the Name of JESUS CHRIST 21 times. Wait a little. The power of GOD moving at this point. Don’t say anything as the HOLY SPIRIT is presently performing miracle. Then thereafter, my destiny, become too hot for the enemy to touch.

15. Mention the names of your village, and your surname. Say this. Let the fire of the HOLY GHOST uproot every evil plantation affecting my progress, in JESUS Name. Demonstrate by placing your hands on the floor of your house and uproot it by fire.

16. Close your eyes and say this: Fire of the HOLY GHOST, possess me, in JESUS Name. Declare this many times until your spirit tells you to stop.

17. Have you noticed an evil trend or pattern in your life which you have inherited among your family members. Not too worry; Our GOD is a yoke breaking power. Pray like this: I break any curse working against me or I break any covenant working against me, in the Name of JESUS.

18. Bind the wicked powers in your family line: Pray like this: Any man or woman in my family line that is responsible for my problems, I command divine destruction upon you, in the Name of JESUS. (Pray it well please). Be very focused and be vigilant here.

19.  Decree that any spirit that is not of GOD should leave you now, in the Name of JESUS.

In the Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, I come against all you hidden spirits and I bind your activities in my life. You can no longer hide below the surface because I now recognize what you have been doing; release me, in the Name of JESUS.

If sickness is the problem, address it and say:

You spirit of infirmity, I speak to you directly, get out of my life now. I am redeemed by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, come out and go now. Go out with every breath by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. I prevail over you, in the Name of JESUS.

At this point, you stop talking; open your mouth and nose and begin to breath in and out. Take about three to seven deep breaths, and expel them forcefully through your mouth and nose. You may be surprised that strange things will begin to happen. Repeat this stage again and again. This will help you to flush out any deposit or impurity within your body. You may notice that you are coughing, yawning, sneezing, sweating or shedding tears, but continue and do not loose your concentration.

20. Every night before you go to bed, you must remember these three important Bible verses: Psalm 35:8, Isaiah 59:19, Joshua 1:5.


1. Repent from and deal with all known sins.

2. Surrender your life to CHRIST.

3. Forgive all those that have hurt, rejected, and disappointed you.

4. Forgive yourself.

5. Go for deliverance if possible.

6. Pray inquiry prayers to discover the source of your problems.

7. Make a list of all the people, places, and things to which you have related in an unholy way.

8. Bind and break evil soul ties with them one by one. Please take time to mention their names one by one and break the evil ties. Do not lump them together.

9. Do not be discouraged. Always remember that our LORD JESUS CHRIST has already paid the price for your freedom from all bondage. Galatians 3:13, 14.

10. Live a holy life. Do not go back to Egypt again or go back to your vomit. 2 Peter 2:22

Remember, deliverance is a process and the length of time it takes depends on several things:

* the length of time the spirit has stayed inside a person,

* the strength and reinforcement of the spirit,

* the experience and degree of anointing upon those who are ministering the deliverance,

* the willingness of the person being delivered to be free,

* the knowledge of the WORD of GOD and your level of hatred for sin.

* For self-deliverance to be very effective, a great deal of self-discipline is necessary.

Also, remember that bondage can be weak or strong. A weak hold can be broken quickly, whereas a stronghold may take a longer time. You will not realize the strength of a bondage until you faithfully and persistently work on it. You must remember that a foothold can graduate to a stronghold if left unaddressed. After this exercise, you can set aside some days (with fasting) to pray the following prayer points.

Prayer Assignment

 Spirit of laziness and procrastination towards the things of God in my life, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Short Memory verses

Obadiah 1:17, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Matthew 18:18-19.

5 Responses

  1. I am greatful l came across your post, and l also thanks God for you and the level of Grace upon your life and ministry. This is my first time connecting with you and I know that this self deliverance will surely work for me and my entire family.
    My prayers is that l be connected to your ministry as l gave my information. More of God’s grace saint.

  2. Thank you to this powerful word of deliverance
    I thank God for revealing it into me this day
    May the lord God Almighty bless his word. Amen

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