Day 4 – 30 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme


Confession: Luke 4:18

Praise and worship

1. HOLY SPIRIT, consecrate and empower me to do exploits for the Kingdom of GOD, in the Name of JESUS.

2. I receive fresh anointing and power to put my enemies to open shame, in the Name of JESUS.

3. Let the SPIRIT of the LORD come upon me mightily from this day forward. (1 Samuel 16:13)

4. HOLY GHOST, purify me with YOUR fire this year, in JESUS Name.

5. I shall live holy and nothing shall defile me again, in JESUS Name. (2 Corinthians 7:1)

6. O GOD arise and fill me with YOUR SPIRIT of understanding, wisdom and discernment in JESUS Name. (Isaiah 11:2)

7. Yoke breaking anointing, fall upon me and my ministry in JESUS Name.

8. HOLY GHOST arise fill me with evangelistic anointing in JESUS Name. (Ephesians 4:7-12)

9. I command every fire quencher in my life to come out by fire, in the Name of JESUS. (Matthew 15:13).

10. O GOD, instruct me on what to do with YOUR anointing upon my life, in JESUS Name. (Psalm 32:8).

11. Let the light of YOUR face shine upon me O LORD in JESUS Name.(Psalm 4:6).

12. Let the power of GOD baptize me with HOLY GHOST fire in JESUS Name.

13. HOLY GHOST convert my entire life to a burning flame of fire in JESUS Name.

14. Fresh anointing to pray until something tangible happens, fall upon my life, in JESUS Name. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

15. O LORD, empower me to  win souls, prophesy, heal, deliver and even raise the dead to the glory of YOUR Holy Name (Acts 1:8,10:38).

16. HOLY SPIRIT, turn me to a radical Christian that will never give up like Apostle Paul, in the Name of JESUS. (Acts 28:31).

17. I receive fresh anointing from GOD that will teach me how to pray and overcome my enemies, in JESUS Name.

18. My FATHER, I am available for fresh virtues, release it upon me and let it overflow my life, in JESUS Name. (Leviticus 8:12).

19. I nullify by the Blood of JESUS, all the anointing of false prophet upon my life and destiny, in the Name of JESUS.

20. Where is the LORD GOD of Elijah? Let my life, ministry possess the fresh power and anointing of the HOLY GHOST this year, in JESUS Name.

Prayer Assignment

HOLY SPIRIT, let not be my heart be a stony ground for the WORD of GOD, in JESUS Name.

Short Memory verses

Isaiah 10:27, 1 John 2:27, Hebrews 1:9.

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