Day 6 – 30 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme


Confession: Genesis 26:24 .

Praise and worship

1. Every time table of satan against my divine favour this year, be roasted by fire in the Name of JESUS.

3. My appointed time for GOD to intervene in my situation has come in the Name of JESUS.

5. My FATHER, let YOUR divine intervention in my life change my story, in the Name of JESUS.

7. O LORD, arise by YOUR signs and wonders and visit my life, in the Name of JESUS.

8. HOLY SPIRIT, I don’t want to die poor. I am tired of managing! Arise and intervene for my situation this year, in JESUS Name.

9. FATHER fight for me and give me outstanding victories for your glory, in the Name of JESUS.

11. By YOUR intervention O LORD, I walk into my breakthroughs, advancement, helpers in JESUS Name.

13. By the Blood of JESUS, I take authority over every situation that wants to challenge my provisions in JESUS Name.

15. O LORD, let me find favour, compassion, and loving kindness with my helpers, the Name of JESUS.

17. Every power dragging me to where my Angels of blessings cannot not locate me, die, in the Name of JESUS.

19. Let power change hands in every area of my life to the hands of the HOLY SPIRIT, in the Name of JESUS.

21. This year is my season of joy, O GOD! I want to surrender my life to YOU. My heart is opened for YOU, come and have YOUR way.

23. O GOD of intervention, arise break away every chain tying me to where I don’t like in JESUS Name.

25. Let anyone who curses me be cursed by YOU in the Name of JESUS.

26. FATHER, do not leave me nor forsake me, come and intervene; let me be free from witchcraft bondage, in JESUS Name.

28. Whether the devil likes it or not, the Angels of GOD will wipe away my tears of regret, shame and sorrow, in JESUS Name.

30. O GOD, make my life exactly what you want it to be, in the Name of JESUS.

32. Anointing of Jehu to carry out my divine assignment successfully, come upon my life now, in the Name of JESUS.

34. By YOUR intervention O LORD let all my delayed miracles and achievements manifest now in JESUS Name.

36. Pastors have tried, they have failed! Evangelists have tried, they have failed! Prophets have failed, Apostles have failed, General Overseers had failed but YOU can’t fail LORD! Intervene LORD!

Prayer Assignment

By the power in the Blood of JESUS, I renounce the gods of my ancestors that have brought me and my family into collective captivity, in JESUS Name.

Short Memory verses

Psalm 90:17, Exodus 33:17, Exodus 3:21.

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