Early Morning Declarations

Rebirth Early Morning Declarations

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Declaration Scripture: Deuteronomy 28:1-13

I will fully obey the LORD my GOD and carefully follow all HIS commands HE gives me today, and the LORD my GOD will set me high above all the nations on earth.  All these blessings will come on me and accompany me, as I obey the LORD my GOD: I will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.

The fruit of my womb will be blessed, and the crops of my land and the young of my livestock the calves of my herds and the lambs of my flocks. My basket and my kneading trough will be blessed. I will be blessed when I come in and blessed when I go out.

The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against me will be defeated before me. They will come at me from one direction but flee from me in seven directions.

The LORD will send a blessing on my barns and on everything I put my hand to do. The LORD my GOD will bless me, in the land HE is giving me.

The LORD will establish me as HIS holy people, as HE promised me on oath, if, I keep the commands of the LORD my GOD and walk in obedience to HIM. Then all the peoples on earth will see that I am called by the Name of the LORD, and they will fear me.

The LORD will grant me abundant prosperity in the fruit of my womb, the young of my livestock and the crops of my ground in the land HE swore to my ancestors to give me.

The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of HIS bounty, to send rain on my land in season and to bless all the work of my hands. I will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.

The LORD will make me the head, not the tail. If I pay attention to the commands of the LORD my GOD that HE gives me this day and carefully follow them, I will always be at the top, never at the bottom.

Now make these declarations out loud:

  1. My tongue has been anointed with a coal of fire, after the order of my LORD JESUS CHRIST.
  2. As I declare it, I see it.
  3. As I see it, I receive it.
  4. Good Morning, GOD the FATHER! Good Morning, JESUS CHRIST! Good Morning, HOLY SPIRIT.
  5. Thank YOU, FATHER, for granting me sound sleep.
  6. Thank YOU for waking me up this morning.
  7. Thank YOU, LORD, for giving me life and strength!
  8. Thank YOU, FATHER, for watching over me and my family throughout the night.
  9. Thank YOU for giving YOUR Angels charge over us.
  10. I worship YOU and give YOU all the glory.
  11. My FATHER LORD, hear my voice this morning.
  12. Let the purposes for which YOU gave me this day be established in my life, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  13. In the wonderful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  14. By the power in the Blood of JESUS CHRIST.
  16. YOU are worthy to be praised.
  17. All glory, all honour, all adoration belongs to YOU.
  18. YOU are the ALPHA that has brought me so far.
  19. YOU are the GREAT ORACLE in my obstacles.
  20. YOU are the PILLAR of the whole world.
  21. YOU are the ONE that no power can oppose and stop.
  22. YOU are magnificent in holiness.
  23. YOU ordain the sun to rule by day and the moon and stars to rule the night.
  24. FATHER, receive all the glory!
  25. I salute YOUR EXCELLENCY this morning.
  26. I thank YOU for making me see this wonderful new day!
  27. I thank YOU, LORD, for what YOU did the previous week.
  28. I thank YOU for making me see this wonderful new day and week!
  29. I thank YOU for protecting and granting me victory over every seen and unseen battle throughout last week.
  30. I thank YOU, GOD, for guiding me by YOUR pillar of cloud in the day and fire by night.
  31. My FATHER in heaven, receive all the glory, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  32. The HOLY SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD, this is my day, have your way in my life.
  33. This is the day the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
  34. This morning, I boldly confess any sin of disobedience that I committed knowingly or unknowingly.
  35. I plead for mercy and forgiveness.
  36. My LORD, have mercy on me and forgive me.
  37. I receive power to overcome sin.
  38. Therefore, sin shall not have dominion over me.
  39. My dear Father in heaven, this blessed day Monday; before I make a move, before I take a step, before I say a word, I give myself to YOU completely; let YOUR will be done, in my life this day!
  40. I am equipped and empowered by the power of the HOLY GHOST and the WORD OF GOD.
  41. The WORD OF GOD is quick and powerful in my mouth; GOD has put the power of HIS WORD in my mouth for greater signs and wonders.
  42. I am GOD’S powerhouse, the power of GOD resides inside me and is manifesting inside me for greater exploits in life.
  43. As I declare the WORD of GOD right now, I send it to run swiftly and become operational, to manifest and fulfill the purpose for which I send it.
  44. This blessed Monday, I am blessed and prosperous in JESUS CHRIST.
  45. I authoritatively declare that the LORD has made room for me and I shall be productive and fruitful in this land.
  46. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places.
  47. I have a goodly heritage in JESUS CHRIST.
  48. The oil of favour is running over my life.
  49. Therefore, I prophetically speak to this day; Monday, hear the WORD of the LIVING GOD from my mouth; you shall cooperate with me!
  50. You shall favour and bless me!
  51. You the first working day of the week, you shall not destroy my protection and prosperity!
  52. I demand and decree that the sun and the wind will not smite me by the day and the moon shall not smite me by the night.
  53. I speak to the sun with authority; as you are coming out today, uproot all the spiritual and physical wickedness targeted against my life, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  54. This wonderful Monday, I declare, O GOD arise and answer YOUR Name in my life, career, business, and marriage.
  55. I take authority over this day, and I command any power that wants to manipulate the sun, the moon and the wind against my life to be consumed by the fire of the HOLY GHOST!
  56. This beautiful day, I programme divine blessings into the sun, the wind, the moon and the stars of my life.
  57. My star will definitely shine and my promotion will not be negotiable!
  58. I pull down every evil imagination of the enemies against my life and I destroy every spiritual and physical accident fashioned against my life in the course of the day!
  59. I tear down every wall that was erected to bring sorrow to my life!
  60. This week, my mornings will be good and fruitful, my afternoons will be better and favoured, my evenings will be glorious and my nights will be peaceful, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  61. This great day, I plead the Blood of JESUS over every principality, power, ruler of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places assigned to my purpose.
  62. I bind every destiny killer, thief and destroyer; you are dethroned and dismantled and have no influence over my day and week.
  63. I break loose from the spirit of backwardness.
  64. Every curse of backwardness sent to my day is reversed, in the powerful Name of JESUS.
  65. Today, the power of the HIGHEST shall overshadow my life.
  66. By the power of the HIGHEST, I retrench and frustrate every satanic priest ministering enchantments and incantations into the wind against my day.
  67. I nullify their enchantments and command their incantations null and void!
  68. I prophesy by the power of the HOLY GHOST, I shall not hear the voice of the enemy today.
  69. I silence every voice of death, speaking to me.
  70. My ears shall only hear good news only, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  71. As I step my feet on today’s activities, the HOST of HEAVENS shall step out with me; I cast out the devil, and I command him to flee from me right now!
  72. I command every arrow of darkness, fired into my life in my dream life to backfire to the senders!
  73. Henceforth, my mind is renewed by the WORD of GOD day by day!
  74. I declare that I have a sound mind filled with good thoughts and not the thoughts of defeat and failure!
  75. I will always control my thoughts from thinking evil.
  76. I will control my mouth from speaking evil.
  77. I declare, as the apple of GOD’S eye, that anyone that intends to plot evil against me shall be destroyed by the thunder fire of GOD.
  78. I set the Blood of JESUS as a boundary round about me and all that concerns me.
  79. I put the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, upon my house and my office.
  80. When the enemy shall see the Blood, he shall pass over me, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  81. This very day, I receive, the ammunition of angelic guidance and operation in my life.
  82. The Angels of GOD will go ahead of me wherever I go, they will go ahead of me in whatever I do.
  83. They will go forth and make all the crooked ways straight before me.
  84. By the strength of the LORD, which is upon my life, my destiny shall move faster than the speed of light and I shall possess my possessions!
  85. The Bible says, ‘’death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it, will eat its fruits.’’
  86. I stand by the WORD of GOD and I declare that I am unstoppable.
  87. Today, my mind is programmed for victory.
  88. I will keep my head held high, knowing the GREATER ONE lives inside of me.
  89. As I embark on the journey of this day, I receive unusual grace to excel; therefore what used to be difficult for me will not be difficult today.
  90. What I could not make happen on my own, GOD will make happen for me.
  91. I will rise higher, soar like an eagle, overcome every obstacle, and experience victory like never before, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST!
  92. I prophesy over my life (Mention your name) move to your next level of success!
  93. My vision shall speak out!
  94. I boldly declare that I will experience GOD’S faithfulness, in all my endeavors this new week.
  95. I demand unexpected blessings to come to my ways.
  96. I will accomplish my dreams faster than I thought possible because GOD will do a quick work in my life today.
  97. This wealthy day, I boldly declare that CHRIST has redeemed me from the spirit of poverty.
  98. Therefore, I renounce and reverse every financial curse through the Blood of JESUS.
  99. I break and annul all assignments of the enemy against my finances.
  100. I bind every force that has set itself against my financial prosperity!
  101. I proclaim, that the LORD my GOD shall teach me to profit, and lead me by the way I should go today and always.
  102. I walk in the favour of GOD and my favour is increasing even as I am speaking now!
  103. I am blessed going out and blessed coming in, blessed in the city and everywhere I go.
  104. Everything I put my hands upon will prosper.
  105. I declare, blessings are upon my head and my memory is blessed.
  106. I am anointed to prosper.
  107. I am the lender and not the borrower!
  108. As I step out today, every financial need of my life is met, and there is no lack.
  109. The LORD is my SHEPHERD and I shall lack nothing.
  110. I proclaim that I have the necessary finances to do everything that GOD has called me to do with enough in store to bless others.
  111. I declare I am growing exuberantly and increasing in wealth, favour and honour.
  112. I am increasing, enlarging, becoming extremely successful and I have entered into a state of prosperity!
  113. I declare that GOD delights in my prosperity.
  114. HE gives me the power to get wealth that HE may establish HIS covenant in the earth.
  115. I receive wealth from GOD and the health to enjoy it.
  116. I boldly declare debt is disappearing, lack is leaving, poverty is fleeing, and money is multiplying.
  117. Wealth is accumulating and I am growing in generosity.
  118. Money shall come unto me on daily basis throughout this week, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  119. By faith, I am well able.
  120. I am anointed.
  121. I am graced and equipped for good works.
  122. The wind of positive change shall blow to my direction this week; my latter days shall be better than my former days.
  123. I will shine today (Monday), break limitation on Tuesday, be blessed on Wednesday, favoured on Thursday, lifted on Friday, refreshed on Saturday, and return praises to GOD on Sunday.
  124. By the special grace of GOD, destiny helpers, destiny sponsors, destiny promoters, destiny lifters, and destiny announcers will locate me before the end of today.
  125. My confidence in the LORD is restored.
  126. Day by day, men shall come to help me.
  127. I shall grow great and wax strong.
  128. I shall enjoy uncommon prosperity, men and women shall give to me in abundance above and beyond my expectations.
  129. I will receive that unique and special miracle today!
  130. The LORD will open the window of heavens each day to water my life and keep me evergreen, blooming and flourishing.
  131. By HIS grace, in the days ahead, there shall be no weeping, no mourning, no regrets, no lamentations, and no untimely deaths in my household.
  132. I shall make it totally this week! I shall make it totally today, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  133. Today, I thank YOU, JEHOVAH JIREH (My GREAT PROVIDER), because I am now walking in prosperity and divine health.
  134. This is my day! This is my week!
  135. Declaration brings possession.
  136. I shall have what I have declared, in JESUS powerful Name.
  137. Amen and Amen.

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Declaration Scripture

Isaiah 60

I will arise, and shine, for my light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon me. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon me and HIS glory appears over me.

Nations will come to my light, and kings to the brightness of my dawn. Lift up your eyes and look about me: All assemble and come to me; my sons come from afar, and my daughters are carried on the arm. Then I will look and be radiant, my heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to me, to me the riches of the nations will come.

Herds of camels will cover my land, young camels of Midian and Ephah. And all from Sheba will come, bearing gold and incense and proclaiming the praise of the LORD. All Kedar’s flocks will be gathered to me, the rams of Nebaioth will serve me; they will be accepted as offerings on GOD’S altar, and I will adorn GOD’S glorious temple.

Who are these that fly along like clouds, like doves to their nests? Surely the islands look to me; in the lead are the ships of Tarshish, bringing my sons from afar, with their silver and gold, to the honor of the LORD my GOD, the Holy ONE of Israel, for HE has endowed me with splendor.

Foreigners will rebuild my walls, and their kings will serve me. Though in anger HE struck me, in favour HE will show you compassion. My gates will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night, so that men may bring me the wealth of the nations their kings led in triumphal procession. For the nation or kingdom that will not serve my GOD will perish; it will be utterly ruined.

The glory of Lebanon will come to me, the pine, the fir, and the cypress together, to adorn the place of YOUR sanctuary; and I will glorify the place of YOUR feet. The sons of my oppressors will come bowing before me; all who despise me will bow down at my feet and will call me the CITY OF THE LORD, Zion of the HOLY ONE of Israel. Although I have been forsaken and hated, with no one traveling through, my GOD will make me the everlasting pride and the joy of all generations.

I will drink the milk of nations and be nursed at royal breasts. Then I will know that GOD, the LORD, is my SAVIOUR, my REDEEMER, the MIGHTY ONE of JACOB. Instead of bronze, HE will bring me gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood, HE will bring me bronze, and iron in place of stones. HE will make peace my governor and righteousness my ruler. No longer will violence be heard in my land, nor ruin or destruction within my borders, but I will call YOUR walls Salvation and my gates Praise.

The sun will no more be my light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on me, for the LORD will be my everlasting light, and my GOD will be my glory. My sun will never set again, and my moon will wane no more; the LORD will be my everlasting light, and my days of sorrow will end. Then will all my people be righteous and they will possess the land forever.

They are the shoots GOD has planted, the work of HIS hands, for the display of HIS splendor. The least of my household and what belongs to me will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. My GOD is my LORD; in its time HE will do this swiftly for me.

Now make these declarations out loud:

  1. My tongue has been anointed with a coal of fire, after the order of my LORD JESUS CHRIST.
  2. As I declare it, I see it. As I see it, I receive it.
  3. Good Morning, GOD the FATHER! Good Morning, JESUS CHRIST! Good Morning, HOLY SPIRIT!
  4. Thank YOU, FATHER, for granting me sound sleep.
  5. Thank YOU for waking me up this morning.
  6. Thank YOU, LORD, for giving me life and strength!
  7. Thank YOU, FATHER, for watching over me and my family throughout the night.
  8. Thank YOU for giving YOUR Angels charge over us.
  9. I worship YOU and give YOU all the glory.
  10. My FATHER LORD, hear my voice this morning.
  11. Let the purpose for which YOU gave me this day be established in my life, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  12. In the wonderful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  13. By the power in the Blood of JESUS.
  15. YOU are the ONE WHO has no beginning and WHO has no end, the ONE WHO was before the mountain was brought forth, the ONE WHO speaks and it is done, the UNCHANGEABLE LORD, the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the ONE WHO is called WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER, PRINCE of PEACE, the ONE WHO can make the barren fruitful, the ONE WHO can shut and no man can open, the ONE WHO will say come and it will come, the ONE WHO will say go and it will go, the ALMIGHTY GOD, glory be to YOUR Holy Name forever.
  16. I salute YOUR EXCELLENCY this morning.
  17. I thank YOU for making me see this wonderful new day!
  18. I thank YOU, LORD, for yesterday, thank YOU for YOUR wonder-working power in my life.
  19. I thank YOU for making me see this wonderful new day!
  20. I thank YOU for protecting and granting me victory over every seen and unseen battle throughout the night.
  21. I thank YOU, GOD, for guiding me by YOUR pillar of cloud in the day and fire by night.
  22. May YOUR Name be glorified forever!
  23. Receive all the glory LORD, in the powerful Name of JESUS.
  24. This morning, I boldly confess any sin of disobedience that I committed knowingly or unknowingly.
  25. I plead for mercy and forgiveness.
  26. My LORD, have mercy on me and forgive me.
  27. I receive power to overcome sin.
  28. Therefore, sin shall not have dominion over me.
  29. This victorious Tuesday, I declare that I am the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT.
  30. I open the door of my heart to the spirit of the LIVING GOD; come in and take up permanent residence in my life and pilot the affairs of my life.
  31. I boldly command anything that will grieve the HOLY SPIRIT in my life, to depart right now, in the powerful Name of JESUS.
  32. This beautiful morning, I am arising out of darkness into the supernatural light of GOD.
  33. By the power of the HOLY GHOST!
  34. I am arising out of weakness, into divine strength.
  35. By the anointing of the HOLY GHOST!
  36. I establish the power of the HOLY GHOST over the air and the sun, to favour and protect the affairs of my life.
  37. I boldly speak to the elemental forces that control this day (Tuesday), to protect me and bless the works of my hands!
  38. I declare the yokes of frustration and ignorance broke totally now, by the power in the Blood of JESUS Name.
  39. I am delivered from the demonic spirit of ignorance and laziness; I am divinely furnished with adequate knowledge and strength in my area of calling and competence, in the powerful Name of JESUS.
  40. As I see the light of this new day, I decree by the power in the Name of JESUS, I will experience positive meteoric rise in my spiritual, material, mental, relational, financial and academic life.
  41. I will rise far above the natural limitations, and become more of GOD led than ever before, with quality results following all that I do.
  42. I declare, that I will be above only and never beneath.
  43. I am the head and not the tail.
  44. The same spirit that raised JESUS CHRIST from the dead dwells in the inside of me and quickens my mortal body to the glory of HIS Name.
  45. Whatever good thing, that is dead in my life, shall come alive!
  46. As I step out today, in the journey of life, I declare that I will see great a acceleration in my life, career, business, and finances.
  47. The things that take others a long time to accomplish, I will see them happen in a moment!
  48. The blessings and favour of GOD will overtake me!
  49. I will be at the right place, at the right time, meeting the right people, doing the right things I’m supposed to do!
  50. I will witness a great harvest of souls and blessing!
  51. My life will attract supernatural favour! I will recover everything that I have lost!
  52. Whatever the enemy has stolen from me, the LORD will restore and recover them for me!
  53. Every good seed that I have sown, the LORD is bringing a reward and a harvest to me, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  54. I boldly declare that GOD has announced my fruitfulness; I shall be fruitful physically and spiritually.
  55. My business shall not be barren but it shall be fruitful and multiply.
  56. My salary shall not be stagnant but it shall multiply for me to be fruitful in the works of my hands.
  57. My marriage shall be fruitful, my seeds shall be fruitful and none of my fruits in life shall be eaten up by the termites of this world.
  58. By the ordination of GOD’S grace that is working upon my destiny, my fruits shall abide and bear many fruits forever!
  59. My focus and dreams will be sharper and clearer.
  60. I will not be a slave to my mates; my destiny is coming out and shall spring forth like a new day!
  61. I am a child of grace; therefore, I am empowered to be successful in life!
  62. By the power that established the heaven and the earth, this day shall be my day of victory and breakthroughs!
  63. I prophetically speak to every problem, introduced into my life, by demonic powers in the night, to hear the WORD of the LORD, and vanish, right now!
  64. This very day, I am the salt of this earth.
  65. I have received total liberty from the spirit of daily anxiety and nervousness!
  66. By the power in the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, my expectation shall not be cut off!
  67. Thou power of memory loss affecting my mind and brain, I curse you to die by fire, from your root, in the powerful Name of JESUS!
  68. The Bible says, ‘’the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord:’’ and He delighted in His way.”
  69. Today, God will order my steps and direct my path to supernatural blessings.
  70. I shall make collision with destiny and find fulfillment in life. Wherever I go this day, the honour of GOD shall be upon my life, men shall favour me, women shall bless me, both young and old will rise up offer me help in my daily task!
  71. I declare this day, that every promise the LORD has spoken concerning me, HIS zeal shall bring them to pass, and my mouth shall speak of the goodness of the LORD.
  72. I make a decree of heaven upon my life; the great GOD of the universe will grant me unhindered access to the information that will transform my life.
  73. Heaven will baptize me with new ideas that will open doors of wonderful opportunities for me.
  74. The right person will come to my life at the right time and for my total uplifting.
  75. I will never live at the mercy of others.
  76. Every mountain standing between me and the fulfillment of my GOD-given dreams shall become a plain and all my withholding blessings shall be released and delivered to me without delay, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST!
  77. Today, the power of GOD shall move me forward, 100 times than the previous days!
  78. With confidence, the lion claims the jungle.
  79. With confidence, the whale claims the ocean.
  80. This very day, with confidence and authority, I claim my rightful miracles and possess my possessions.
  81. Throughout this day, the HOLY SPIRIT will partner with me, to prosper in all my ways and protect me from the assault of the wicked ones.
  82. I will not hear bad news from any quarters and my labour shall not be in vain!
  83. I delete all unpleasant stories in the chapter of my life and download supernatural favour into my life, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST!
  84. Today, I am walking in the soundness of mind and divine direction, for JESUS has destroyed confusion in my life.
  85. I have the mind of CHRIST.
  86. I am established in GOD’S WORD.
  87. I declare that I am preserved from trouble.
  88. My ears shall hear good news and my eyes shall see good things!
  89. I am protected by the Angels of GOD.
  90. I send the Angels of GOD to pursue all my enemies and make them like chaff in the wind.
  91. No plot, device or counsel of the wicked against me shall stand and every tongue that will rise up against me in judgment, I condemn by fire!
  92. For my GOD hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
  93. The joy of the LORD shall strengthen me and HIS righteousness shall uphold me throughout this day!
  94. Every gate of brass shall be broken and every bar of iron shall be cut asunder!
  95. My right hand shall bring riches and honour and my left hand shall protect me from all dangers of the day!
  96. I decree and declare that I am a candidate for multi-million dollar ideas, inventions, and strategies.
  97. Therefore, I am a steward of great wealth; I shall have multiple streams of incomes.
  98. I shall be loaded with both spiritual and financial blessings of GOD.
  99. I shall be blessed in the city!
  100. I shall be blessed in the field!
  101. I shall be blessed as an entrepreneur! I shall be blessed with my career!
  102. I shall be blessed with my finances!
  103. By the special grace of GOD; joy peace and happiness shall abide with me, throughout this day and forever!
  104. I shall make it totally today, in the powerful Name of JESUS.
  105. Today, I thank YOU, JEHOVAH SHALOM (GOD of PEACE), because I am now walking in prosperity and divine health.
  106. This is my day! This is my week!
  107. Declaration brings possession.
  108. I shall have what I have declared, in JESUS powerful Name.
  109. Amen and Amen!

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Declaration Scripture: Isaiah 62

For Zion’s sake, I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your righteousness, and all kings your glory; you will be called by a new name that the mouth of the LORD will bestow.

I will be a crown of splendor in the LORD’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your GOD. No longer will they call me Deserted, or name my land Desolate. But I will be called Hephzibah, and my land Beulah; for the LORD will take delight in me, and my land will be married. As a young man marries a maiden, so will my sons marry me; as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will my God rejoice over you.

My God has posted watchmen on my walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. I who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, And give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.
The LORD has sworn by HIS right hand and by HIS mighty arm: “Never again will HE give my grain as food for my enemies, and never again will foreigners drink the new wine for which I have toiled; But those who harvest it will eat it and praise the LORD, and those who gather the grapes will drink it in the courts of my sanctuary.
Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations. The LORD has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: “Say to the Daughter of Zion, `See, your SAVIOUR comes! See, HIS reward is with HIM, and HIS recompense accompanies HIM.” Me and my household will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the LORD, and I will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.

Now make these declarations out loud:

  1. My tongue has been anointed with a coal of fire, after the order of my LORD JESUS CHRIST.
  2. As I declare it, I see it. As I see it, I receive it.
  3. Good Morning, GOD the FATHER! Good Morning, JESUS CHRIST! Good Morning, HOLY SPIRIT!
  4. Thank YOU, FATHER, for granting me sound sleep.
  5. Thank YOU for waking me up this morning.
  6. Thank YOU, LORD, for giving me life and strength!
  7. Thank YOU, FATHER, for watching over me and my family throughout the night.
  8. Thank YOU for giving YOUR Angels charge over us.
  9. I worship YOU and give YOU all the glory.
  10. My FATHER LORD, hear my voice this morning.
  11. Let the purposes for which YOU gave me this day be established in my life, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  12. In the wonderful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  13. By the power in the Blood of JESUS.
  15. I worship YOU, my FATHER in heaven; YOU are worthy to be praised!
  16. Glory be to YOUR Holy Name.
  18. Thank YOU for YOUR mercy that is renewed every day, thank YOU because great is THY faithfulness, thank YOU for the miracle of sound sleep, I thank YOU for the miracle of life, thank YOU for the miracles of healing, miracles of deliverance, miracles of provision, miracles of victory, and miracles of joy!
  19. I salute YOUR EXCELLENCY this morning.
  20. I thank YOU for making me see this wonderful new day!
  21. I thank YOU, LORD, for yesterday, thank YOU for your wonder-working power in my life.
  22. I thank YOU for making me see this wonderful new day!
  23. I thank YOU for protecting and granting me victory over every seen and unseen battle throughout the night.
  24. I thank YOU, GOD, for guiding me by YOUR pillar of cloud in the day and fire by night.
  25. May YOUR Name be glorified forever!
  26. Receive all the glory LORD, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  27. This morning, I boldly confess any sin of disobedience that I committed knowingly or unknowingly.
  28. I plead for mercy and forgiveness.
  29. My LORD, have mercy on me and forgive me.
  30. I receive power to overcome sin.
  31. Therefore, sin shall not have dominion over me.
  32. This prosperous Wednesday, I am prophetically equipped with the Sword of the SPIRIT, which is the WORD OF GOD.
  33. Therefore in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, I command the heavens to declare the glory of GOD over my life.
  34. I declare that this is the day the LORD has made, I will be exceedingly great in it.
  35. I announce that GOD will bless me and announce my greatness to the entire world!
  36. I prophesy against every negative power programmed into the water, the sun, and the wind against my progress; I command you to be dismantled by the power in the Blood of JESUS.
  37. I bind every satanic power in the air, water, and ground that want to work against my day; be bound with chains of fire that cannot be broken!
  38. I speak prophetically to the sun, the moon, the stars, the water and the wind to cooperate with me this day!
  39. You, the sun, moon, the stars, wind and the water, hear the WORD OF THE LORD, you will favour and bless me today!
  40. I speak to the ground and the four corners of the earth; you will bless me beyond my expectation today, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  41. This wonderful Wednesday, I am energetic and happy to go about my divine assignment; I will rise and be the best version of myself!
  42. I will arise and get my portion in the land of the living.
  43. I will stand up against my enemies and collect the portion that has already been stolen.
  44. This beautiful morning, I am a child of the fire of GOD; no weapon formed against me shall prosper!
  45. I am alive with CHRIST and by the authority of HOLY GHOST fire, I prophesy into my life, in the Name of JESUS; sorrow will not be added to my blessing!
  46. Any beasts waiting for me to come out today so that they can devour me, the same hand that shut the mouth of the lions against Daniel will shut their mouths!
  47. This morning, I pull down the stronghold of barrenness, of good things assigned to my day.
  48. Therefore, my destiny receives divine fertilization and be productive!
  49. This victorious morning, I take divine insurance against all forms of accident and tragedy.
  50. I am established by grace and strength in the LORD; by the Spirit of the prophet in me, I decree and declare that, if today is sunny, it will brighten my day, if it rains, it will be a shower of blessing upon me and my household, if today is dry, it will dry up my tears, and if it is windy, it will blow away my sorrows.
  51. The good LORD will go before me this day and take care of all that concerns me.
  52. The young lions do lack and suffer hunger but I and my household shall not lack any good thing today and always, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  53. As I step out to look for my daily bread today, I will not encounter the problem that will eat me up.
  54. Whatever I will invest my time and money on will yield me fruit of unimaginable worth.
  55. I decree in the Name of the ALMIGHTY GOD, that as the sands of the earth are uncountable, so shall my blessings be uncountable and as the rain pours forth without measure, so shall my breakthroughs be unmeasurable.
  56. My good measures shall be rewarded with gold and diamonds.
  57. The wonderful news of GOD’S blessings shall mount on my doorstep today and forever.
  58. GOD’S divine favour and glory shall reach me in full and my pockets of GOD’S glory will never have holes but will always be full, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  59. This very day, my GOD will take off me the garment of frustration and disappointment.
  60. HE will take off the garment of shame and disgrace from my life.
  61. I command every garment of debt upon my life to be removed and catch fire!
  62. The garments of delay and failure shall be removed from my neck by the power of the anointing of the fire of GOD!
  63. All the garments hindering my daily miracles and testimonies shall give way by fire!
  64. In the mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST, I will have dominion over all negativity this morning and the light of the ALMIGHTY GOD shall fall over me and whatever I lay my hands upon!
  65. Henceforth, the satanic tailor sewing the garment of reproach and unfruitfulness for me shall not know my size again!
  66. I am wearing a new garment of divine power, praise, and prosperity after the order of Joshua the high priest.
  67. Today is a dawning of a new glory for me!
  68. My season of frustration and failure is over; I have entered a new season of success and prosperity.
  69. Old things have passed away; all things have become new.
  70. This very day, I will emerge as GOD’S wonder.
  71. Those new cycles of victory, success, prosperity, and longevity have replaced old cycles of failure, poverty, and death in my life.
  72. Today is a joyful day for me; “I sing; I burst into song, I shout for joy, for the promises of GOD are being birthed in my life.
  73. GOD is taking over every issue of my life today!
  74. For every shame in my life, GOD is granting me double glorification!
  75. Every siege over my destiny is lifted!
  76. Every prophetic declaration that I have received before shall find fulfillment in my life today!
  77. By the Spirit of the prophet inside me, I prophetically anoint this very day with the oil of divine favour; I boldly declare today as my day of favour and breakthrough.
  78. Therefore, I prophesy creativity, spirituality, holiness, righteousness, peace, health, wealth, vision, direction, and resourcefulness, from above into my life.
  79. My day shall be great and awesome!
  80. I shall not be a victim of false accusation and persecution, in the powerful Name of JESUS!
  81. I shall enter new territories and possess my new blessings.
  82. I call for my abundant harvest from the north, from the south, from the east, and from the west, to come forth by fire!
  83. Today, I shall meet my destiny helpers!
  84. This glorious day, men and women shall give me good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over of blessings, this is my day of financial and materials running over!
  85. Abraham’s blessings are mine; I am blessed in the morning, I am blessed in the afternoon, I am in the evening, in the powerful Name of JESUS.
  86. This morning, I declare GOD’S incredible blessings over my life.
  87. Like Joseph, I will be elevated to a level higher than I have ever dreamed of in life.
  88. I declare that I have the grace I need for today.
  89. I will overcome every obstacle, outlast every challenge, and come through every difficulty and be better off than I was before.
  90. My valley shall be filled with water.
  91. Every mountain before me shall be leveled.
  92. The raging storm shall be still.
  93. The stream of bitterness shall dry off.
  94. The scourge of affliction shall be terminated in my life.
  95. My steps are ordered by the LORD and HE will work out every detail to my advantage today!
  96. Today, I am well able; I am blessed and I shall receive help from above.
  97. By the special grace of GOD, everything about me is changing for the best.
  98. Things must work in my favour.
  99. I shall make it totally today, in the powerful Name of JESUS.
  100. Today, I thank YOU, JEHOVAH TSIDKENU (The LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS), because I am now walking in prosperity and divine health.
  101. This is my day!
  102. This is my week!
  103. Declaration brings possession.
  104. I shall have what I have declared, in JESUS powerful Name.
  105. Amen and Amen!

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Declaration Scripture: Psalm 19

The heavens declare the glory of GOD; the skies proclaim the work of HIS hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens, HE has pitched a tent for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming forth from HIS pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run HIS course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat.

The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.

They are more precious than gold than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey than honey from the comb. By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is a great reward. Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep YOUR servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in YOUR sight, O LORD, my ROCK and my REDEEMER.

Now make these declarations out loud:

  1. My tongue has been anointed with a coal of fire, after the order of my LORD JESUS CHRIST.
  2. As I declare it, I see it.
  3. As I see it, I receive it.
  4. Good Morning, GOD the FATHER! Good Morning, JESUS CHRIST! Good Morning, HOLY SPIRIT!
  5. Thank YOU, FATHER, for granting me sound sleep.
  6. Thank YOU for waking me up this morning.
  7. Thank YOU, LORD, for giving me life and strength!
  8. Thank YOU, FATHER, for watching over me and my family throughout the night.
  9. Thank YOU for giving YOUR Angels charge over us.
  10. I worship YOU and give YOU all the glory.
  11. My FATHER LORD, hear my voice this morning.
  12. Let the purposes for which YOU gave me this day be established in my life, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  13. In the wonderful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  14. By the power in the Blood of JESUS CHRIST.
  16. You are the miracle working GOD.
  17. May YOUR Name be glorified forever!
  18. YOU are my POTTER and the ROCK of my offense; YOU are the TRINITY in power, the ANCIENT OF DAYS, YOU are the PROPHET OF ALL Prophets and the SAVIOUR of all Saviours, YOU are the RICHEST among the Richest, YOU are the GREATEST among the Greatest.
  19. YOU are the OLDEST among all the Oldest; YOU are the glorious lifter of my hands.
  20. May YOUR Name remain blessed forever.
  21. I salute YOUR Excellency this morning.
  22. I thank YOU for making me see this wonderful new day!
  23. I thank YOU, LORD, for protecting and granting me victory over every seen and unseen battle throughout the previous day.
  24. I thank YOU, GOD, for guiding me by YOUR pillar of cloud in the day and fire by night.
  25. My FATHER in heaven, receive all the glory, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  26. This morning, I boldly confess any sin of disobedience that I committed knowingly or unknowingly.
  27. I plead for mercy and forgiveness.
  28. My LORD, have mercy on me and forgive me. I receive power to overcome sin.
  29. Therefore, sin shall not have dominion over me.
  30. This beautiful morning, I am anointed and approved by the ALMIGHTY GOD through JESUS CHRIST.
  31. I, therefore, take authority over all the elemental forces and I prophesy loud and clear; that, as no power can stop the wind and the sun from blowing and shining every day, no power shall stop me from shining today!
  32. My spiritual sun shall not go down; neither shall my spiritual moon withdraw itself.
  33. My star will definitely shine today!
  34. I command the wind of favour to blow upon my life and my source of income from the four corners of the earth, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  35. By the virtue of the work JESUS did on the cross, I have power over all the powers of the enemies.
  36. My JESUS has wiped out all the handwriting of ordinances that were against me, taking them out of my way, having nailed them on the cross.
  37. HE disarmed principalities and powers and made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it!
  38. This very moment, I hold my hands on the precious Blood of the LAMB and I boldly say, be shattered o you, witches and powers of darkness in the high place on evil assignment against my day!
  39. Gird yourselves together o you power of wickedness against my day and you shall be broken in pieces.
  40. Take counsel together, it will surely come to nothing.
  41. Chant your incantations; they will not stand, for JEHOVAH ELGIBOR (The MIGHTY GOD) is with me as a MIGHTY and TERRIBLE ONE.
  42. This wonderful Thursday, by the power of the HOLY GHOST, my mind is fortified; my emotions are sound and stable.
  43. Therefore, in the mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST, I break every intimidation of the wicked against my day!
  44. This very day, l speak authoritatively to the spirits of tragedies and calamities, hear the voice of the LORD from my mouth, run away from me and my family because we are not your candidates!
  45. I reject, reverse, and revoke every spirit of barrenness and unproductivity fashioned against my day!
  46. I tear into pieces the stronghold of satan fashioned against my day; all accusations and condemnations against me shall drop dead!
  47. You, the spirit of shame, loose your hold over my life!
  48. I shall walk in dominion and authority; forcefully and violently, I shall possess my possessions today, in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST.
  49. This morning, I release myself from every curse of ‘’almost there but not there’’ programmed against my day!
  50. I break by fire every curse of ‘thou shall not excel’ assigned against my day!
  51. By the special grace of GOD, I shall excel, and no power shall demote me!
  52. Every curse of thou shall not make it, assigned against my day is broken right now!
  53. I will definitely make it today!
  54. As I step into this day, to look for my daily bread, I declare that I am a partaker of GOD’S divine blessings.
  55. I shall be noticed by my destiny promoters.
  56. As nobody can ignore the light, so shall I not be ignored because I am a shining light!
  57. The LORD shall cause me to be blessed and crown all my efforts with success.
  58. I shall be fruitful and none of my blessings shall be reversed.
  59. Blessings shall pursue me and catch up with me; Money shall pursue me and catch up with me!
  60. Divine help shall pursue me and catch up with me!
  61. Divine connection and contacts shall pursue me and catch up with me; contracts shall pursue me and catch up with me, in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST.
  62. As I step out this glorious Thursday, I receive a breakthrough mentality!
  63. I will see opportunities clearer and better with the grace and strength to seize them.
  64. No man will say sorry to me this very day!
  65. No more stagnation, frustration, and borrowing; I am free at last and my story is changing finally!
  66. The great projects of my life, career, family, ministry, and business will be executed without financial stress and pressure!
  67. I am like a palm tree; the palm tree is not affected by any season, whether it is the rainy or dry season.
  68. I decree and declare that I am a spiritual palm tree, no matter the season, my destiny will always stay fresh and green in nature.
  69. The work of my hands shall yield good results this day; I will never suffer dryness in life, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  70. This blessed day, I speak to the heavenly gates and ancient doors to open for my sake.
  71. The heavens above me shall release rain for me, the earth beneath me shall yield increase for me. Everything GOD has made shall cooperate to favour the advancement of my course.
  72. And because I have made my choice to serve the LORD, no matter how many businesses collapse in this season of uncertainties, none of my own businesses shall collapse!
  73. My job shall not be taken away from me and my promotion shall not be given to another person.
  74. My career shall not collapse!
  75. My business shall not suffer loss. My finances shall not be buried!
  76. My GOD shall give me that which is good and cause me to increase.
  77. I shall reap a good harvest this day.
  78. Today marks my journey into divine breakthrough! Throughout this day, I will have testimonies of breakthrough and restoration.
  79. Any human scorpion and serpent assigned to bite and poison my career, business finances and health shall perish!
  80. It is written,” And I will restore to you the years the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I send among you.”
  81. I stand by the WORD of GOD and I boldly decree that my restoration has started now.
    GOD’S agenda for me in redemption is glorification.
  82. Therefore, whatever is contrary to glory in my life is terminated now!
  83. I speak authoritatively to this day (Thursday), hear the voice of GOD:  ‘’Prosper my life’’ ‘’Prosper my destiny’’ “Prosper my health’’ ‘’Prosper my career’’ ‘’ Prosper the work of my hands’’ ‘’Prosper my ministry’’ ‘’Prosper my calling” ‘’Prosper my business’’ ‘’Prosper my finances’’ Prosper my marriage, in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST!
  84. Today is my day of angelic visitation.
  85. My GOD will pull me out of every worry, and fight for me, and total victory shall be my lot.
  86. I shall never be a victim of limitation again and my long time delayed blessings shall come forth and locate me!
  87. I shall be successful this day.
  88. My life is reloaded with new songs and rebranded for excellence and greatness.
  89. I shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the LORD my GOD, who has dealt wondrously with me.
  90. I shall make it totally today, in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST!
  91. Today, I thank YOU, JEHOVAH ELGIBOR (The mighty GOD), because I am now walking in prosperity and divine health.
  92. This is my day! This is my week!
  93. Declaration brings possession.
  94. I shall have what I have declared, in JESUS powerful Name.
  95. Amen and Amen!

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Declaration Scripture: Psalm 28

To YOU I call, O LORD my ROCK; do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if YOU remain silent, I will be like those who have gone down to the pit. Hear my cry for mercy as I call to YOU for help, as I lift up my hands toward YOUR Most Holy Place.

Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts. Repay them for their deeds and for their evil work; repay them for what their hands have done and brought back upon them what they deserve.

Since they show no regard for the works of the LORD and what HIS hands have done, HE will tear them down and never build them up again. Praise be to the LORD, for HE has heard my cry for mercy.

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in HIM, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to HIM in song. The LORD is the strength of HIS people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever.

Now make these declarations out loud

  1. My tongue has been anointed with a coal of fire, after the order of my LORD JESUS CHRIST.
  2. As I declare it, I see it. As I see it, I receive it.
  3. Good Morning, FATHER GOD! Good Morning, JESUS CHRIST! Good Morning, HOLY SPIRIT!
  4. Thank YOU, FATHER, for granting me sound sleep.
  5. Thank You for waking me up this morning.
  6. Thank YOU, LORD, for giving me life and strength!
  7. Thank YOU, FATHER, for watching over my family and over me throughout the night.
  8. Thank YOU for giving YOUR Angels charge over us.
  9. I worship YOU and give YOU all the glory.
  10. My FATHER LORD, hear my voice this morning.
  11. Let the purposes for which YOU gave me this day be established, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  12. In the wonderful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  13. By the power in the Blood of JESUS CHRIST.
  14. ALMIGHTY FATHER, I worship YOU this morning; YOU are the HOLY GOD, the most faithful GOD, the trustworthy GOD, the sleepless GOD.
  16. I salute YOUR EXCELLENCY this morning. I thank YOU for making me see this wonderful new day!
  17. I thank YOU, LORD, for protecting and granting me victory over every seen and unseen battle throughout the previous day.
  18. I thank YOU, GOD, for guiding me by YOUR pillar of cloud in the day and fire by night.
  19. My FATHER in heaven, receive all the glory, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  20. This morning, I boldly confess any sin of disobedience that I committed knowingly or unknowingly.
  21. I plead for mercy and forgiveness.
  22. My LORD, have mercy on me and forgive me.
  23. I receive power to overcome sin.
  24. Therefore, sin shall not have dominion over me.
  25. This wonderful Friday, I am wise and confident in JESUS CHRIST, because HE is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of my day.
  26. The hand of the LORD is upon me; as I prophesy and declare, great things will happen to me.
  27. I command the heavens to declare the glory of GOD over my life.
  28. By the authority in the Name of JESUS, I bind evil energy in the air, water, and ground assigned to my day.
  29. I render their power harmless over my day.
  30. Today, any power that wants to siphon my blessings, receive the fire of destruction and perish!
  31. I rebuke any spirit of satanic tightness assigned against my day.
  32. My destiny and glory will not be tight; things shall be easy for me today, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  33. I declare today is a good day, this is the day which the LORD hath made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.
  34. I proclaim all that is good, all that is blessed of GOD, all that GOD has designed for me shall be mine without delay and my great expectation shall not be cut off.
  35. No power shall take my portion! I’m not moved by what I see, feel or experience.
  36. I have the GOD kind of faith.
  37. GOD’S WORD is in my heart and in my mouth.
  38. I have spoken my faith and I believe I receive, and I shall walk in victory everywhere I go today, in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST.
  39. This precious morning, I receive wisdom and power to handle all that comes my way.
  40. I shall experience great victories, supernatural turnarounds and miraculous breakthroughs in the midst of great impossibilities.
  41. I receive recognition, prominence, and honour.
  42. My petitions shall be granted to me even by all authorities where required.
  43. By the special grace of GOD, policies, rules, regulations, and laws will be changed and reversed on my behalf!
  44. Today, I step out as a conqueror and champion.
  45. I am anointed as a powerful person in CHRIST.
  46. I am a joint-heir with JESUS and more than a conqueror.
  47. I shall not be moved by what I see, feel or experience.
  48. I have the GOD kind of faith.
  49. I walk in total triumph, in every situation, for JESUS CHRIST has destroyed failure in my life.
  50. I am an overcomer and can do all things through CHRIST.
  51. I have the victory, and the victory has me!
  52. I am a victor and a king, in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST!
  53. This holy morning, I prophesy over my life, (mention your name) wake up from your slumber and begin to move to your land that is full of honey and milk!
  54. I command the anointing of the HOLY GHOST to fall upon me and break every negative yoke of slow progress against my day!
  55. Blocker spirits assigned to my breakthroughs, receive the fire of destruction and be wasted!
  56. By the power of the HOLY GHOST, the LORD shall waste my wasters and my wasted days shall be compensated!
  57. I command every agreement of darkness assigned to frustrate and discourage me to be burnt to ashes!
  58. Today, by the authority in the name of JESUS CHRIST, I _____ (mention your name) ascend into a new realm of power and authority.
  59. I invoke GOD’S divine intervention, manifestations and vindication upon all that concern me.
  60. The Hand of GOD rests upon me for supernatural prosperity, peace, progress, purity, and power!
  61. This morning, I speak to any obstacles, delays, and resistance to my progress and breakthroughs to fail woefully!
  62. I am a champion for life.
  63. Prosperity is mine, favour is mine and my victory is sure!
  64. I am making progress, I am moving forward and upward only; there shall be no stagnation in my life, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  65. I am complete in CHRIST, WHO is my SHEPHERD. I am HIS workmanship, created in HIM (JESUS CHRIST) unto good works.
  66. Therefore, by the Spirit of divine favour of GOD that is at work in my life, destiny helpers are compelled to go assist and get involved in my life today!
  67. Men and women will use their positions, power, and resources to advance my destiny!
  68. Evil shall bow before me and the wicked shall bow at my gate of success, in the powerful Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  69. I bind and rebuke the spirit of the roaring satanic lion; I declare that JESUS is the LION OF THE TRIBE of JUDAH in my life.
  70. When the lion is walking, every other animal goes into hiding because the king of the jungle is walking.
  71. Wherever I go today because I carry the LION of the TRIBE of JUDAH inside of me; every challenge in and around me shall disappear and melt away!
  72. Every mountain before me shall skip away!
  73. Every Red Sea shall be divided!
  74. Every gathering that says, I will not be successful shall scatter!
  75. The power that promoted Joseph shall change my story forever.
  76. The power that drowned Pharaoh in the Red Sea shall drown my oppressors and Goliath!
  77. My breakthrough is no longer negotiable because I shall move forward effortlessly.
  78. No more limitations, what is limiting others will not limit me.
  79. My star shall be honored in the land of the living.
  80. I shall sing my song of victory and breakthrough, in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST.
  81. Today, I declare all things are working for my good.
  82. I am anointed to prosper.
  83. My eyes are open to see creative ways to increase financially; my ears are open to hearing the best deals and my heart is pure so that GOD can channel finances through me!
  84. I am blessed in the basket and blessed in the store.
  85. My bank accounts, investments, health, and relationships flourish.
  86. The blessings of the LORD shall overtake me in all areas of my life!
  87. My coast is enlarged by the righteousness of the LORD GOD of HOSTS through JESUS CHRIST.
  88. The spiritual and financial breakthroughs that I have waited for till now shall be miraculously delivered to me this very day!
  89. The breakthrough of how did it happen, the glory that swallows shame, drastic positive change of condition that brings confusion and controversy, the acceleration that cannot be stopped, the prosperity that is beyond human explanation, the joy that brings sorrow to the camp of the enemy, the transformation that produces congratulations and celebration, all these shall be my portion this very day by the special grace of GOD, in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST!
  90. As I go out and come in this day, the LORD is with me and HIS glory shall be my shield.
  91. I refuse, I resist and I reject every form of disappointment, every shade of frustration, every manner of difficulty and every kind of impossibility.
  92. I declare that according to 3 John 2, above all things I shall prosper, I am in good health, even as my soul prospers.
  93. No matter the situation my joy will not be mixed with sorrow, in the land of trouble my portion will be empty, in the house of problem; I shall not be an occupant, on the road of tragedy, I shall be missing out, on the list of sudden death, my name shall be missing but among those that will break-forth into breakthroughs, success, uncommon favour, unexplainable connections and timeless testimonies, my name will top the list, in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST.
  94. A day never breaks without the birds singing, I prophesy upon my life that there shall be a joyful song in my camp this weekend. I shall make it totally today!
  95. Today, I thank YOU, JEHOVAH ROHI (The LORD my SHEPHERD), because I am now walking in prosperity and divine health.
  96. This is my day!
  97. This is my week!
  98. Declaration brings possession.
  99. I shall have what I have declared, in JESUS mighty Name.
  100. Amen and Amen!


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