Friday Night Vigil – July 19, 2019
Praise and worship at 11:40PM (20 minutes) – Nigerian Time
Log on to Periscope at 11.55PM – Nigerian Time
Colossians 2:14
14 having cancelled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; HE has taken it away, nailing it to the Cross.
2 Timothy 4:18
18 The LORD will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to HIS heavenly kingdom. To HIM be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer Points
1. I divorce and renounce my marriage to any spirit spouse, in the Name of JESUS.
2. I break all the covenants keeping the evil marriage in place by the Blood of JESUS.
3. I command the fire of GOD to consume everything used to consummate the marriage, wedding garments, ring, photographs, register, and certificates in the Name of JESUS.
4. Every evil ring upon my finger, catch fire and burn to ashes, in the Name of JESUS.
5. I break all blood and soul tie covenants with any spirit spouse, in JESUS Name.
6. Thunder of GOD locate and destroy all the children born to the spirit spouse, in the Name of JESUS.
7. By the power in the Blood of JESUS, I purge myself of all evil materials deposited in my body through sexual encounters with the spiritual spouse, saying evil prayers and holding evil vigils against me, scatter by fire and die.
8. HOLY GHOST fire go deep down into my root and burn to ashes every unclean thing deposited in me by spirit spouse, in the Name of JESUS.
9. I command the spirit spouse to turn his or her back on me forever, in the Name of JESUS.
10. I file a counter report in the heavenlies against every evil marriage, in the Name of JESUS.
11. O LORD defend YOUR investment in my life, in JESUS Name.
12. O LORD, shake out seasons of failure and frustration from my life in the Name of JESUS.
13. Every evil wall between me and the visitation of GOD, be broken by the Blood of JESUS.
14. Every damage done to my relationship with my GOD ordained spouse by the spirit spouse, be repaired by the Blood of JESUS.
15. Let my relationship with my GOD ordained spouse be restored by the resurrection power of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
16. Blood of JESUS arise and fight for me.
17. Blood of JESUS buy me back from every power to which I have been sold.
18. Every power that has collected spiritual dowry on my head, return it and die, in the Name of JESUS.
19. O GOD, arise and destroy every spiritual marriage prepared for me, in the Name of JESUS.
20. I pull down every marine altar in my life by the power in the Blood of JESUS.
21. I pull down every altar of the serpent in my life by the thunder of the HOLY GHOST.
22. Every power waging war against my GOD ordained marriage, fall down and die, in the Name of JESUS.
23. Every power refusing to let me go, what are you waiting for? Die now in the Name of JESUS.
24. Every power, personality, and spirit contesting with GOD’S yes for me in marriage, your time is up, die now.
25. I use the hammer of GOD to break every evil covenants affecting my marriage in JESUS Name.
26. Thank GOD for the Rebirth Ministry.
27. Thank GOD for answered prayers.