Praise and worship at 11:40PM (20 minutes) – Nigerian Time
Log on to Periscope at 11.55PM – Nigerian Time
Prayer Points
* FATHER, thank YOU for light. I ask for YOU to give me boldness to shine my light in JESUS Name. I don’t want to hide my light under a basket. Fill me with holy boldness in JESUS Name.
* FATHER, shine YOUR light on my path. YOUR light exposes evil. In YOU there is no darkness. Show me the way to go O LORD. Help me FATHER to say no to those things that will bring reproach to YOU.
* My LORD and my GOD, don’t let me go on a wrong journey. Show me the correct moves to make. My destiny cannot afford any mistakes. Point me in the right direction in JESUS Name.
* FATHER I ask for clarity in decision-making. I trust in YOU LORD to guide me on the right path. Don’t leave me alone LORD!
* MIGHTY GOD, I thank YOU for deliverance. Remove enemies who act as friends from my life. Help me to see clearly, to discern so that I don’t fall into any evil pit.
* Thank YOU LORD for YOUR Church. Thank YOU for YOUR WORD that is a lamp for our feet. FATHER, remove distractions from my life, those things that are preventing me from studying your WORD. Help me to focus on YOUR WORD.
* Thank YOU LORD for the Rebirth Ministry.
* Thank YOU LORD for answered prayers.