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Living in Victory – Friday 14 October 2022

10 October, 2022 - 16 October, 2022

Cancelling All Negative Words Spoken Into Your Life

For many years, it never occurred to me that a number of my experiences were as a result of negative words and confessions that I myself spoke.
Being ignorant of the WORD of GOD, it was easy for me to cast the blame on others, even more so to blame our adversary, the devil.
But once I learned differently, I had to repent and now make it a part of my everyday life to quickly counteract any negative confessions that I spoke with prayer and scripture.

Although repentance prayer for speaking negative words over our own life is not a prayer that most matured Christians may feel they need to pray, I feel that it is a very important prayer and one that needs to be prayed from time to time.

So please note like any deliverance this is an exercise that must be repeated as often as you need to.

The Bible declares that the prayers of the righteous are powerful, effective and unstoppable by satan. However, satan is very shrewd in an attempt to hinder our prayers. He knows that there is nothing that blocks our prayers, stunts our spiritual growth and denies our intimacy with God like the sins we commit with our mouth.

This is something we take for granted, and we can go countless days, weeks and months without repenting of the contrary words we spoke, because it seems like the ‘norm’ and ‘everyone one else does it.’ But know that our mouths are our weapons of war against satan and prayer is the cannon by which he can be destroyed. However, if he can be successful in stopping our weapons through the negative things that we speak, he can prevail against us.

Ephesians 4:29

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.



FATHER GOD, we bless and honour YOU as we give thanks for today.
We come seeking YOU for deliverance from speaking negatively about others and ourselves.
YOUR WORD says that we must give an account of every idle word that we have spoken from our mouth.

We ask first for your forgiveness for every negative confession of words that have proceeded from our mouth of doubt, fear and unbelief regarding YOUR WORD and YOUR ability to manifest YOUR WORD in our life.

We pray also for forgiveness for speaking harsh, unkind, unloving and hateful words to our family, friends, co-workers, business associates, and members of the body of CHRIST, including Pastors, leaders and those that are in authority over us.

We confess our sins and know that through the Blood of CHRIST YOU are just, willing and able to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse our heart from unrighteousness.
We pray GOD, that YOU will free us now from the judgement of answering to YOU for the sins of our mouth.

We ask GOD, that YOU will open the eyes of all that are blinded by pride, hate, lust, greed, jealousy and every other human failing.
Give each one the mind of CHRIST and the heart of YOU our Heavenly FATHER.
Deliver us now from the temptation to curse and speaking negative words.
Remove the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh so that we exercise love and kindness as we speak the words that are wholesome and encouraging to others in JESUS Name, Amen.

Many of the children of Israel that came out of Egypt, spent their entire lives in the wilderness because they could not control their tongues, and, for the constant murmuring and complaining against GOD, and their leader, Moses.
Some even died in the wilderness.
We can also spend much time in the wilderness journey of life, rather than reaping the blessings of the spiritual promised land when we allow the devil to manifest himself in our lives through negative speaking.

FATHER, YOUR WORD says we must give an account of every idle word that we have spoken from our mouth.
I ask therefore that YOU would forgive me for speaking lies, for gossiping, backbiting, murmuring and for complaining.
Forgive me for every idle word that I have spoken against my pastor, spiritual leaders, my church, family, relatives, friends, co-workers, associates, others around me now and those in times past.
I also ask for YOUR forgiveness for every word that I’ve spoken of doubt, fear and unbelief regarding YOUR WORD and YOUR ability to manifest what YOU have promised in my life.
YOUR WORD says that if I would confess my sins, that YOU are faithful and just to forgive me and the Blood of CHRIST shall cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
I confess and repent of them now.
Cleanse me with the Blood of JESUS.
Cleanse my heart and keep me from allowing them to take root in me.

I ask from this day forth that YOU would help me – that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart would be acceptable in YOUR sight.
Let the words I speak have YOUR approval.
I also pray that YOU let the thoughts that I receive and conceive in my heart be approved by our SPIRIT.

I thank YOU for YOUR mercy and grace, Amen.



I cancel every negative word that have spoken.
Every word that I have released that has been against YOUR will and YOUR plan for my life and the lives of others. I ask YOU to forgive me for them.
I cancel them now in JESUS Name.
Now LORD, from this day forward give me conviction, give me understanding from the HOLY GHOST when I go crosswise from the WORD of GOD.
Help me, and give me the grace to say what YOU said in every situation.
Help me to bold, help me to be strong.
Heavenly FATHER, YOU said whoever the SON sets free is free indeed.
Now this day forward my words are not only going to make me free, but whoever I speak them over will be set free.
My words shall set them free indeed.
I thank YOU LORD.
From this day forward I will win and never lose.
From this day forward I shall win and never lose, I shall be on top and not the bottom.
I am the head and not the tail.
Thank YOU LORD in JESUS Name.

And now I cancel every negative word spoken against me by others.
Every word spoken against me I release now in the Name of JESUS.
Those people who spoke negative things over my life, I cancel their words now. Those words are useless and have no power in my life.
LORD JESUS, I forgive these people for speaking these words over me.
I know only YOUR will and YOUR plan for my life will be manifested in my life.
I ask YOU to forgive these people that have spoken words against me.
I send blessings to these people who spoke against me in JESUS Name.



As I partake in the Blood and body of JESUS today, let me experience the end to the consequences of negative pronouncements and evil speaking in the Name of JESUS.

In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, I am a beloved child of GOD.
I believe in GOD, I believe in JESUS CHRIST and I believe in the blessed HOLY SPIRIT WHO is dwelling in the inside of me.
I believe in the unshakeable and eternal power in the WORD of GOD.
I believe that life and death are in my tongue.
I believe that as I make this confession unto life with the power in my tongue, according to the WORD which the LORD has this day put in my mouth, I shall prosper.
It is written that JESUS CHRIST offered HIS Blood as a drink, and HIS flesh as bread that whosoever drinks and eats it shall not die forever.

Take the bread

Please declare with me:


Matthew 26:26

While they were eating, JESUS took bread, and when HE had given thanks, HE broke it and gave it to HIS disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is MY Body.

I eat with the heart of faith the flesh of JESUS.
For it is written, HIS flesh is bread indeed.
I eat it now so that I can also eat with HIM in HIS glory.
I eat the flesh of JESUS to receive new spiritual strength and vigor, strength and vigor to put under subjection all works of the flesh, strength and vigor to paralyze the desires of my flesh, strength and vigor to paralyze the power my flesh and make it obedient to the laws of the LORD.
As I eat and drink the flesh and Blood of my LORD JESUS CHRIST, I renew my covenant with HIM and I receive the life therein; for it is written, life is the Blood. Thus I possess the life and the SPIRIT of CHRIST in me. Amen.

As I eat and drink this morning, I receive Strength, Freedom, favour, healing remembrance of the Lord, victory, breakthroughs and restoration.
Let the WORD of GOD raise up in me every downtrodden area of my life.
Let the WORD like fire purify me and restore my parts stolen or destroyed by the enemy.
Let the WORD build me up and give me an inheritance amongst all sanctified brethren.
Let the joy of the LORD strengthen me.
Let HIS right hand of righteousness uphold me.
Let HIS countenance brighten up my life.
Let the horn of HIS salvation lift me up out of the valley of life and let HIS living anointing oil fan on me like the dew of Hermon and fill my life.

Eat the bread


Please declare with me:

Now, with strong faith in my heart I hold in my hand a cup containing the Blood of the LAMB of GOD and I drink it, that I may have life eternal.
I receive unto myself the virtues, strength, power, might and anointing in the Blood. And I say, let the Blood quicken all that is dead within me.
Let all sucked, sapped and paralyzed spiritual milk and strength of my life be resurrected by the Blood.
Let the Blood re-energize, revitalize, reactivate and revive all dead potentials and spiritual gifts within me.
Let the Blood flush out of me all inherited or self-acquired evil deposits in my system.
Let it purify my Blood system.
Let it make old things pass away in my life and transform everything to become new.
Let the power in the Blood clean my spiritual vision and wash my spiritual pipes that I may be receiving of the LORD unhindered.

Take the cup

Please declare with me:


Matthew 26:27-28

Then HE took a cup, and when HE had given thanks, HE gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is MY Blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

LORD, make me drunken with the Blood of JESUS and I shall be full of life eternally.
FATHER LORD, as it is written, that I should be strong in the LORD and in the power of HIS might, I ask that YOU be my might and strength all the days of my life.
Gird me with YOUR strength and let me not fall into the pit of enemies and I will praise YOU all the days of my life.
With my heart I believe the WORD of GOD.
With my mouth I have confessed unto salvation and justification.
O LORD, let it be performed unto me as I have prayed, in JESUS CHRIST‘S only mighty Name.

Drink the cup

Let us begin to thank GOD


10 October, 2022
16 October, 2022


Rebirth on Zoom


Rebirth Ministry
+234 818 364 2524
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