Prayers to Storm the Month of March 2020
You will begin your prayers at 11.40pm on Saturday 29 February, 2020
Praise Worship (At least 20 Minutes)
March – My month of the Sound of Divine Access, Marching Forward and a New Song.
March is the the third month.
The number 3 represents the fullness of Divinity stepping into the affairs of men.
Joshua 6:20
The people were screaming and priests were crying out of the trumpet. When the people heard the sound of the trumpet, they cried great cries and the wall was bowed. The people went into the city, each in front of themselves. They took over the city.
Jericho was a stronghold, a walled city which was positioned to deny the children of Israel access to the Promise land. Joshua looked to the face of GOD to find the access strategy, and the LORD gave him the key.
The people were to shut their mouths for seven days walking around the walls of Jericho, and on the seventh day, the priests would sound their trumpets, after which the people were instructed to make a loud shout. And the cries in line with the sound of heaven would cause the wall of Jericho to crumble – and they did.
There is a heavenly sound that breaks the barriers on the earth. That sound breaking the barriers, is called the Sound of Access.
No barriers, whether spiritual or physical, financial or cultural, can resist the heavenly sound.
The Bible declares: “They ran away from YOUR threat, they rushed to the voice of YOUR thunder.” (Psalm 104:7).
The Sound of Access gives you an advantage over any power that opposes progress in your life. The Sound of Access sometimes manifests itself as the Sound of Mercy in the case that a person is rejected after committing a fault.
We will pray to receive the Sound of Access in March 2020 so that nothing can stop us from moving forward in GOD’S plan and purpose for our lives in 2020.
The Sound of Access will be continually issued in our favour in 2020, in the Name of JESUS.
March is the month of marching forward. You will have divine guidance. You will have a song as in a night of celebration. GOD will give you a new song of rejoicing, you will move from sorrow into joy, from anxiety into peace and from sighing into singing in JESUS mighty Name.
Prayer Points
- Let us thank GOD for the month of February 2020 and for HIS kindness and mercy to the members of our family and us, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
- We put the month of March 2020 into the hands of the LORD, and ask HIM to continually voice the sound of access in our favor throughout 2020, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (Numbers 23:21)
- We declare and declare that all spiritual, natural, human or satanic barriers in any form will fall to the sound of access in our lives, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (Joshua 6:20)
- We declare and declare that in 2020, every Red Sea and any river of Jordan will be open, giving us access to a new dimension of GOD’S plan and design for our lives, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (Exodus 14:26-27/Joshua 3:14-16)
- We declare and declare that any door that has previously prevailed against our progress and denied us access to the next level will suddenly submit to the sound of access, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (Joshua 6:20)
- We declare and declare that we will stand to the sound of access in order to bring down every barrier that the enemy will set in the path of our destiny in 2020, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (Joshua 6:20)
- We declare and declare that any specific/unique door for the fulfillment of our destiny in 2020 will respond to the sound of access, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (1 Samuel 16:17-19)
- We declare and declare that any law, legislation, policy or decree put in place to slow down or stop our progress and promotion in 2020 will be modified in accordance to the sound of access, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (2 Samuel 5:8/2 Samuel 9:3)
- We declare and declare that in 2020, thanks to the sound of access, traditions and customs will be suspended to adapt to the special features of our requests and requests, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (Esther 4:16-17)
- We declare and declare that through the sound of access, we will gain access to the ideas and information that will bring our voice into our fields of activity in 2020, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (Daniel 2:17-19)
- We declare and declare that in 2020 we will have access to great and powerful things that the LORD has prepared for our families and us, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (Jeremiah 33:3)
- We declare and declare that all the blessings and benefits of the sound of access will speak in our favour in 2020, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
- Thank GOD for the Rebirth Ministry.
- Thank GOD for answered prayers.