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Storming the gates of May, 2020

30 April, 2020 @ 11:30 pm - 31 May, 2020 @ 11:30 pm

You will begin prayers at 11.40pm on Thursday 30 April 2020.

Praise Worship (At least 20 Minutes)

May – Month of Possibility, Opportunity, Prayer and GOD’S Grace.

May is the fifth month of the Gregorian calendar. It is named after Maia, the Italian goddess of spring. Maia means the great one.

May is the month of Possibility. If we can only believe, GOD will deliver us of our present distresses and manifest HIS glory. The distressed man with his demonized son who needed deliverance – Mark 9:16-29. When JESUS met the man, HE asked him a question: “‘How long has it been since it came to him?’ He said, ‘From childhood. Often it has thrown him into the fire and into the water to kill him. But if YOU can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.’ JESUS said, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes'” (Mark 9:21-23). This is the season to ask GOD for those difficult things, things we may think are impossible – especially in the area of healing and deliverance.
Pray in faith, believe and you will see CHRIST’S healing glory.

May is the month of Opportunity. GOD will allow us to access doors of breakthrough that have not been accessible before. This season, GOD is giving us leverage in the spirit realm to be bold and ask HIM for big things. This is a season of opportunity. We must be bold in our prayers. The centurion’s servant was paralyzed, and the centurion was bold enough to ask JESUS to heal the servant – Matthew 8:5-13.
JESUS immediately responded saying, “I will heal him.” This is very significant because it shows us the character of GOD. HE wants to heal us from even the most severe conditions.

What do you need from GOD? Pray and ask HIM what you need and you will receive what you ask. GOD is not resisting your prayers. HE wants to give you the desires of your heart. Only believe. May is the month of prayer.

Finally, May is the fifth month, and five symbolizes grace. Starting this May, GOD will begin to load us up with more of HIS grace. Grace is so significant because grace is GOD’S supernatural ability that enables us to do HIS will. Therefore, we never have to be fearful as to whether we have what it takes to be used by GOD because HE is confirming to us that HE is giving us more of HIS grace to accomplish big things.


Hebrews 4:16

16 Let us then approach GOD’S throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Prayer Points

* Let us begin by taking authority and possessing the month of May by the Blood of the LAMB, and dedicating it unto GOD, that HE will reign and rule, as the only GREAT and MIGHTY GOD, in our lives, family, marriage, the Rebirth Ministry, our neighbourhood, and nation, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.

* We thank GOD for the month of April 2020, for HIS faithfulness protection and mercy towards us and our family, friends, and loved ones during this pandemic that is raging worldwide.

* HEAVENLY FATHER, we take authority over the month of May, and break any form of ownership that has been established over it by the devil, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.

* We expose any sin the enemy can use against us, and let us proclaim justification, by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST.

* We possess this month of May by the Blood of the LAMB, and we dedicate it unto GOD, that HE shall reign and rule in our lives, family, marriage, the Rebirth Ministry, neighbourhood, and nation, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.

* We declare and prophesy that, our spouses shall be like a fruitful grapevine, flourishing within our home. Our children shall be like vigorous young olive trees, as they sit around our tables, in 2020, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (Psalm 128:3)

* We declare that prayer will not fail in our life and destiny, in the Name of JESUS.

* Mercy of GOD locate me this month.

* All battles and challenges in my life begin to bow to the force of prayers and WORD of GOD, in the Name of JESUS.

* Every door that the enemy has closed against me in previous months will open by fire this new month, in the Name of JESUS.

* I command the assignment of demonic agents in my life this month to fail woefully, in the Name of JESUS.

* By the grace of GOD, I will not fail GOD and I will not disgrace HIS power in my life, in the Name of JESUS.

* FATHER, rain a horrible tempest upon every evil camp that gathers against me this month, in the Name of JESUS.

* Unless YOU bless the work O LORD, the labourer labours in vain. O LORD, make me a vessel of honour unto you, in JESUS Name.

* We declare and prophesy that, in 2020 our minds shall be alert and fully sober, and our hope shall be set on the grace of GOD, that is to be brought to us at the revelation of JESUS Name, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (1Peter 1:13)

* Thank GOD for the Rebirth Ministry.

* Thank GOD for answered prayers.


30 April, 2020 @ 11:30 pm
31 May, 2020 @ 11:30 pm
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