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Storming the Gates of the Month of April 2024

29 February, 2024 - 1 April, 2024

You will begin prayers ‪at 11.40pm on Sunday 31 March, 202‬4

Praise Worship (At least 20 Minutes)


2 Timothy 2:15

Study to shew thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD of Truth.

Proverbs 16:7

When a man’s ways please the LORD, HE maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.


For us as workers or co-labourers with GOD, we must do all we can to gain more knowledge and improve our skills in order to be more efficient in what we do, so that we will be accepted and approved of GOD, otherwise GOD will be ashamed of us.

Believers ought to dig deep into GOD’S WORD to find out what are those things required of us to do in order that we might receive Divine Approval.

What must you do as a believer to enjoy GOD’S approval.

1.  Demonstrate your faith in GOD.
GOD does not want people who will only say they have faith in HIM, but those who will demonstrate by their actions that they do. It is such people that get HIS approval.

2.⁠ ⁠Demonstrate your love for GOD.
It is very easy to claim that one loves someone with their mouth, but the best way to prove that is to show it. Love emanates from the heart, but because no man can see another person’s heart, the best way to convey love message is by showing it.

3.⁠ ⁠Demonstrate the fear of God.
When we are in love with someone, it is very easy to take them for granted. The more familiar we get with GOD’S love, the easier it for us to over step our boundaries if we are not careful. The fear of GOD will keep us in check so that we don’t lose HIS approval.
GOD is love, this is one of HIS greatest attributes. However HE is also a Consuming Fire.
A believer that wants to enjoy GOD’S approval must be able to understand these two aspects of GOD, otherwise he/she might get burnt.
Uzzah died an untimely death because of the lack of fear.

4.⁠ ⁠Demonstrate your obedience to GOD’S WORD
Obedience to GOD’S WORD is a follow up deed of our love and fear of HIM.
JESUS told HIS disciples that if we love HIM, then we will keep HIS commandments (John 14:15). Also the bible tells us that the fear of GOD keeps us from sinning (Exodus 20:18-20).

5.⁠ ⁠Demonstrate your love and care for others.
The second most important commandment of GOD is for us to love our neighbour as ourself. Compliance with this will grant us Divine approval.
Do you want GOD to approve of you?
Throughout April and beyond, love and care for the brethren, the widow, the fatherless, the poor, the needy and the sick and see what GOD will do for you.
Do you require rewards of honour?
How about engaging in deed of honour.

When GOD endorses you, men will automatically fall in line.
When GOD endorses you, wise men will come to you.
Favour is divine acceptance!
Favour is divine approval!
When GOD has accepted and approved you, men shall likewise accept and approve you.
Accepted by GOD and approved of men.
That is favour!

Welcome to April 2024 our month of Divine Approval


Prayer Points

  1. JEHOVAH, thank YOU for March and for all YOU did for us. Take all the glory LORD.
  2. FATHER, let the meditation of my heart, the words of my mouth and the actions of my flesh be acceptable in YOUR sight in JESUS Name.
  3. FATHER, anoint me with power to please YOU always.
  4. FATHER, let every one of my prayers, my thanksgivings and all my offerings come before YOU for a memorial.
  5. FATHER, let my life appreciate and honour YOU.
  6. FATHER, through the month of April and beyond, help me to pay the price for YOUR approval of me.
  7. FATHER, let my position of honour in YOUR kingdom be forever secure.
  8. FATHER, grant me YOUR favour in April.
  9. I am a world overcomer in April and beyond; the systems of this world cannot overcome me because I walk in the favour of GOD.
  10. Favour is divine acceptance!
    Favour is divine approval!
    GOD has accepted and approved me, men shall likewise accept and approve me in the mighty Name of JESUS!
  11. Henceforth all my enemies will be at peace with me because of GOD’S Divine Approval.
  12. Thank GOD for the Rebirth Ministry.
  13. Thank GOD for answered prayers.


29 February, 2024
1 April, 2024
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+234 818 364 2524
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