You will begin prayers at 11.40pm on Wednesday 31 July, 2019.
Praise Worship (At least 20 Minutes)
August – the month of Salvation, Restoration, Fruitfulness, more Abundance and Plenty in the Name of JESUS
August the 8th month of the year is a month of great potential.
The month of August was named after Augustus Caesar, one of the emperors of the Roman Empire. In Hebrew, the month of August is called ELUL.
This month is a period of time termed “plumpness” representing “a surplus above the perfect seven” meaning, that which is in excess, or over and above, or overflowing.
Genesis 17:12 – the Hebrew meaning of ‘eight’ in this scripture is plumpness that represents ‘a surplus above the perfect seven’.
Figuratively, the eighth month symbolizes fatness, rich fat, lusty and plenteous. Thus the eighth month is a time of salvation, restoration, fruitfulness, more abundance and plenty
The month of August is a period of time characterized by the ripening of the fruit of the date palm and summer figs.
The number 8 This represents new beginnings.
It will be a defining month for some. For some it will be a month of breakthrough, while it will be a month of breakdown for some. As you align yourself with GOD in obedience, GOD’S power working by love will breakdown every opposition against your advancement and fulfilment and cause your long awaited and much desired breakthrough to spring forth in JESUS mighty Name!
Daniel 2:20 states: Daniel said, “Let the Name of GOD be blessed forever and ever, For wisdom and power belong to HIM. Praise GOD with all that is within you.
As you enter August, confess your sins and ask for forgiveness from GOD, praying that the Blood of JESUS cleanses you and all yours.
Psalm 66:18-20
If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the LORD would not have listened. But GOD did listen! HE paid attention to my prayer. Praise GOD, WHO did not ignore my prayer or withdraw HIS unfailing love from me.
Psalm 103:2 states: Praise the LORD, O my soul! Do not forget all HIS kind deeds! Praise HIM with songs of worship and thanksgiving.
May your potentials become actualized in this season in JESUS mighty Name! Your potentials will not die with you, they will be translated into tangible beneficial blessings in JESUS mighty and victorious Name.
Prayer Points