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Storming The Gates of The Month Of February 2022

29 January, 2022 @ 11:30 pm - 1 February, 2022 @ 11:30 pm

You will begin prayers ‪at 11.40pm on Monday 31 January, 2022‬.

Praise Worship (At least 20 Minutes)

February – the month of the More Grace & Double Multiplication

February is the second and shortest month of the year and the third and last month of winter season in the Northern Hemisphere.
February has its own characteristic.
It has 29 days in a leap year and 28 days in other years.
The word February comes from the Latin word Februarius, from Latin februare meaning to “purify” or “expiate.”
In ancient Rome, Februarius was the “Month of Purification” and great celebrations were being organized to welcome February.

February 2022 signals the full entry into the grace of bounty and supra-abundance.
There is a journey this month from Gilgal and crossing over the Jordan for a supernatural enduement of grace that will surge you into the divine supply of surplus.
Grace will be released this month to fulfill your divinely orchestrated desires. This month, for sure, the LORD will settle you and fully restore you into your destiny glory.
For the righteous, in their land (possessions, position, output, recognition, rewards etc.) they shall possess double.
For the wicked, GOD will render them double for their sins.
With this understanding, we are entrusting our lives, and all our activities in February 2022, into the hands of the LORD.


James 4:6
Hebrews 4:16


Isaiah 61:7-9

Instead of your shame
    you will receive a double portion,
and instead of disgrace
    you will rejoice in your inheritance.
And so you will inherit a double portion in your land,
    and everlasting joy will be yours.
“For I, the LORD, love justice;
    I hate robbery and wrongdoing.
In MY faithfulness I will reward MY people
    and make an everlasting covenant with them.
Their descendants will be known among the nations
    and their offspring among the peoples.
All who see them will acknowledge
    that they are a people the LORD has blessed.”


Prayer Points

FATHER, thank YOU for loving kindness and grace that has brought me into the second month of the year. Thank YOU for seeing me through January.
Thank YOU for all YOU did in my life, family, ministry and nation in January.
Thank YOU for all the accidents, calamities and tragedies YOU spared us from. YOUR Name alone be praised and exalted.

FATHER, this month be a wall of fire around me, my family, my household and all that concerns me.
Let YOUR fire of protection keep every plague, disease, virus and disaster far away from us.

O LORD, I confess that YOU are our REFUGE, please keep us safe, healthy and strong all through this month.
Let no evil arrow get close to me or enter into my home.

Keep me away from every trap set for me this month, shield me and my household from evil eyes and evil hands in JESUS mighty Name I pray!

FATHER, YOU have called me to be holy in all I do.
Help me to spend time in YOUR WORD and live according to YOUR WORD so I can stay on the path of righteousness and holiness.
Purify my spirit, soul and body from everything that defiles and distracts.
Help me to daily present my body to YOU as a living sacrifice.

Let the words of my mouth, the thoughts in my heart, and all I do be pleasing and acceptable in YOUR sight.

FATHER, YOU delight in the prosperity of YOUR servants and it is YOUR will that I prosper in all things and be in health, just as my soul prospers.
In this month of Double Multiplication FATHER, let me experience all round prosperity.
Bless me abundantly so that every day of this month I have all that I need.
I confess that YOU LORD are my SHEPHERD, please don’t let me lack any good thing, release YOUR favour and glory on me.
I refuse to live by begging and borrowing, I receive abundant provision from YOU, my PROVIDER and my SOURCE.
JEHOVAH JIREH, open to me the treasures of heaven, fill me with money making ideas, send showers of blessings on me, and bless all the work of my hand.

My star, arise and shine. I will rise and shine in JESUS Name.

My appointed gold come my way in JESUS Name.

Treasures of darkness (great original blessings from GOD, found in the deep of the earth like oil, diamonds and gold) come forth into my coffers in JESUS Name.

Hidden riches of the secret places (special blessings kept in store by GOD, such as wisdom, knowledge, deep secrets as was given to Daniel and Joseph, wealth etc.) come forth into my hands in JESUS Name.

Kings and gentiles will come to the brightness of my rising in JESUS Name.

Those I do not know will bless me this month.

Favour that divinely selects and lifts up, come upon my life in JESUS Name.

FATHER, blessings that money cannot buy, give to me and mine in JESUS Name.

FATHER, let me not be like a light that has been put under the table; let me not be a believer that is not making any impact. Help me to be an example everywhere YOU have placed me of YOUR light and glory.
FATHER, all through this month, let my light shine.
Remove whatever usually puts out my light or makes it so dim that people aren’t blessed and impacted by my life.
Separate me from ungodly acts and help me to make a difference; help me to point others to CHRIST through the life I live; help me to live as the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

FATHER, as I call upon YOUR Name this month, let every burden be lifted from my shoulders.
With YOUR strong hand and outstretched arm, bring me out of every problem weighing me down, bring me out of every pit of affliction and hardship and fill my mouth with praise and testimonies.

Thank GOD for the Rebirthrwc Ministry.

Thank GOD for answered prayers.


29 January, 2022 @ 11:30 pm
1 February, 2022 @ 11:30 pm
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