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Storming the Gates of the Month of June 2024

29 May, 2024 - 1 June, 2024

You will begin prayers ‪at 11.40pm on Friday 31 May, 202‬4

Praise Worship (At least 20 Minutes)

Psalm 145:10

All YOUR works shall PRAISE YOU, O LORD; and YOUR saints shall bless YOU

As we approach the mid point of 2024, our Year of Prayer, we devote this month to meditate on Prevailing Praise, to offer our sacrifices of Praise to our FATHER-GOD, to experience the Power in Praise, to enjoy Increase by Praise, and to prevail by Praise in all the battles of life!

Praise is practical.
Praise is personal.
Praise is powerful.
Praise is a choice.
Praise is a decision.
Praise is an act of faith.
Praise never fails.

The Psalmist said in Psalm 145:1, “I will extol YOU, my GOD, O KING; and I will bless YOUR Name forever and ever”
David wasn’t wishing to extol GOD, he was willing to!
He was decided and determined to.
It didn’t matter what troubles he might have been going through, that man of Faith chose to extol and bless GOD’S Name, not temporarily, but forever!

Praise must be perpetual. Praise is not meant for only “good times” when things are “rosy.”
The Praise of GOD must rise from your heart and flow from your lips daily and perpetually:

Psalm 145:2
Every day I will bless YOU, and I will praise YOUR Name forever and ever

There is a grace, an anointing that enables such dimension of persistent praise.
May you contact that unction this month; may you never become tired or weary of praising your Great GOD and MAKER, in JESUS Name.

Praise is a privilege!

Psalm 145:3
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and HIS greatness is unsearchable.

It is a honour to be called to join generations that have been praising HIM:

Psalm 145:4
One generation shall praise YOUR works to another, and shall declare YOUR mighty acts.

What a Calling!
What a Privilege!
What a sacred Ministry!
Our Great GOD will never suffer from lack of praise!
HE can never be in want of people to praise HIM.
Even if every human beings choose to not praise HIM, inanimate creation will rise to GOD’S praise. Jesus said, “…I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out” (Luke19:40).

Everything in creation praises GOD

Psalm 145:10
ALL YOUR works shall praise YOU, O LORD, and YOUR saints shall bless YOU

Get set to praise the LORD like never before.
Get set to prevail through Praise.
Get set to be raised in the place of Praise!
This month, you’ll have ample reasons to praise the LORD.
Praise-worthy events shall happen in all aspects of your life.
As you praise HIM, HE will raise you.
You will prevail by praise!

Welcome to June 2024, our Month of Prevailing Praise!

Prayer Points

  1. Begin to thank GOD for this new month.
  2. Today I give thanks to the LORD for HE is in my life.
  3. In the Name of JESUS CHRIST I praise GOD today for all HIS mercies and loving-kindness over my life
  4. FATHER, we thank YOU for all that YOU have enabled us to accomplish since the beginning of the year. May YOUR Name forever be glorified in JESUS Name.
  5. FATHER, thank YOU for the past, present and the future. Thank YOU for YOUR graciousness toward us and for helping us thus far.
  6. Today I give the adoration to GOD for HIS wonderful salvation plan through our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST.
  7. In the Name of JESUS CHRIST I praise GOD for all wonderful provisions for my life and family
  8. Today I praise GOD for watching over HIS wonderful promises over my life and family
  9. In the Name of JESUS CHRIST I praise GOD for the grace and covenant of GOD over all the families and friends of the Rebirth Ministry worldwide
  10. Today I praise GOD for keeping me alive and well against all the odds
  11. I pray that stones will not take my place in praising GOD.
  12. Lord, as I meditate on YOUR WORD this month, ignite my faith and release Grace for Prevailing Praise in my life, in JESUS Name.
  13. Thank GOD for the Rebirth Ministry.
  14. Thank GOD for answered prayers.


29 May, 2024
1 June, 2024
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