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Storming The Gates of The Month Of November 2021

29 October, 2021 @ 11:30 pm - 1 November, 2021 @ 11:30 pm

You will begin prayers ‪at 11.40PM on Sunday 31 October, 2021‬

Cheers to a new month and another chance for us to get things right.

Welcome to the month of November.

Looking back at the last ten months, has GOD done anything worth of HIS praise?

GOD has been faithful. We can all testify of this in our lives and family,

You might be feeling that you have not accomplished all your plans and objectives for this year and as we begin November we are one month away from 2022, don’t panic, HE’S the GOD of all flesh.
When HIS hand rested upon Elijah, he out ran Ahab unto the entrance of Jezreel (I Kings 18:46) that’s what we call Divine Speed.
I pray that GOD will grant you Divine Speed in November.

Remember every day is a chance to begin again, don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations and the expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off (Proverbs 23:18).

November is a month that brings us closer to the end of the year. There is a lot we can thank GOD for because HE has been good to us throughout the year.
There are many things HE has done for us. HE has showered us with HIS love and delivered us from many troubles.
Despite the circumstances we have faced during the year, GOD has seen us through and we are still standing.

We have so much to thank GOD for.

This month, we can pray for our loved ones who need GOD’S gift of salvation through JESUS CHRIST. Some have never given their lives to CHRIST while others have fallen away due to tough seasons in their lives.
If you have any family member or friend who does not know CHRIST, pray that they will receive HIM into their lives.
The gift of salvation is for everyone on earth.
John 3:16 tells us that GOD loved the world so much that HE gave HIS SON, JESUS, to die for our sins so that we will not perish but have eternal life.

Pray for your family members and friends who have fallen away because of difficulties that have caused them turn away from GOD.
It is possible for people to be carried away by erroneous doctrines or go back into a life of sin (2 Peter 3:17) because of one reason or another.
Instead of condemning them, we can pray for them to come back to GOD.

We face many battles and situations that make us weary and take away our strength.
GOD gives us strength to help us keep going even when things are tough.
Isaiah 40:29 says that GOD gives strength to the weary and increases power of the weak.
Pray and ask GOD to give you the strength to face each day with courage.
If tough situations have worn you out, take heart because GOD will strengthen you. Your strength may have run out GOD will never fail.

Ask GOD to arm you with HIS strength for the battles you face.
We have an enemy who is always prowling around looking for who to devour (1 Peter 5:8).
Spiritual battles make us weary and we cannot fight them with our strength.
We need GOD’S strength.

Pray for the grace to put your unwavering hope in GOD every day of your life (Psalm 25:5).
It’s hard to put our hope in GOD when we feel that HE has disappointed us.

We can ask for HIS help to see the hope HE has for us.

November is the month that leads us closer to the end of the year.
It is a time to reflect on all that GOD has done for us before the season of festivities that comes in December.
Look at the things that have happened in your life and the impact they have had.
Evaluate your goals and dreams and see whether you have achieved them or not. It is not too late to finish the year well.
Pray that GOD will help you finish the year well without any negative incidences.
Psalm 65:11 tells us that GOD crowns the year with HIS goodness, and HIS paths drip with abundance.
Ask GOD to show you HIS goodness and fill you with HIS abundance for the remaining part of the year.

Ask GOD to help you finish the work you started at the beginning of the year.
Pray that you will achieve your goals and the things that you had set your mind to do.
Do not get discouraged if you have not managed to achieve all you set out to do, you can adjust your timing.

Pray that GOD will help you use the remaining time wisely as you come to the close of the year.
You may be getting into a season of feasting and meeting up with family but you still need time to finish your important assignments.

November – the month of Divine Speed, Expectation and Thanksgiving

Prayer Points

  1. FATHER, I bless YOU for the grace I have received from YOU over the past ten months and the grace to begin a new month – Psalm 103:1-3
  2. FATHER, I praise YOU for the breath of life – Psalm 150:6
  3. FATHER, I thank YOU because YOU have not allowed me and my family to be prey for the enemy – Psalm 124:1-3
  4. FATHER, as I start this month of November, please do not let YOUR mercy and loving kindness depart from me – Psalm 40:11
  5. FATHER, every temptation that will come my way this month, please give me the grace to overcome – 1 Corinthians 10:13; Matthew 4:11
  6. FATHER, everyone of my outstanding blessings for the year 2021, let the Blood of JESUS redeem the time and hours that the caterpillar and locust have eaten in my life – Joel 2:25-26
  7. FATHER, as this year is coming to an end, preserve me and my family – Psalm 91:1; Proverbs 18:10
  8. FATHER, let YOUR hand be upon me and my family for good and let there be speed to recover and to overtake – 1 Kings 18:46
  9. FATHER, this month, I pray that YOU frustrate the counsel and the devices of the adversary over my destiny.
  10. FATHER, as this year is coming to an end, let YOUR holy anger, YOUR devouring power and wrath be upon those that arise against me and every power and authority that is monitoring my progress and that of my family; beat them down, scatter them in the Name of JESUS – Isaiah 30:30-31
  11. Thank GOD for the Rebirth Ministry.
  12. Thank GOD for answered prayers.


29 October, 2021 @ 11:30 pm
1 November, 2021 @ 11:30 pm
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