You will begin prayers at 11.40PM on Thursday 30 September, 2021.
The word October was derived from the Latin “Octo” meaning eight (8).
October retained its name from the Latin origin when July and August, named after Julius and Augustus Caesar respectively, were inserted into the calendar that had originally been created by the Romans.
It is now considered the tenth (10th) month in the now widely used Gregorian calendar.
Consequently, it is the gateway into the last quarter of the Gregorian calendar.
Psalm 104:27-31
All creatures look to YOU to give them their food at the proper time.
When YOU give it to them, they gather it up;
when YOU open YOUR hand, they are satisfied with good things.
When YOU hide YOUR face, they are terrified;
when YOU take away their breath, they die and return to the dust.
When YOU send YOUR SPIRIT, they are created, and YOU renew the face of the ground.
May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD rejoice in HIS works –
At the gates of October, thank GOD for bringing you through the past month. Praise HIM for what HE will execute in the incoming month.
I instruct October to submit to the ALMIGHTY GOD. O LORD, use every moment of October to YOUR glory. I command each day of October to heed only the instruction of the HOLY SPIRIT and not that of any other voice in JESUS Name.
Declare that this is a season of surplus above the perfect seven, a season of fatness, abundance and plenty.
That according to Psalm 65:9-13, the virtues of this season will be manifested in your life, your family, the Rebirth Ministry and your nation in the Name of JESUS.
YOU are the RESURRECTION and the LIFE, this October, O LORD, command renewal at the point of our need. Let this be so in our lives, circumstances and situations in the mighty Name of JESUS.
By the authority in the mighty Name of JESUS, YOU, HOLY SPIRIT, WHO brings order into any chaotic, formless or void situation, brood over my life, and over as many kingdom citizens as are seeking HIS stability and perfect all that needs to be perfected in October.
Read Psalm 29 using it to silence every other voice that speaks any word that is contrary to the purposes of GOD for your life, family, the Body of CHRIST and your territory at large. Command the Angels assigned for October to ensure that nothing will go through the gates of this month that is contrary to HIS purpose and plan.
In this month of the Perfection of Divine Order, ask the HOLY SPIRIT to remind you of any doors that the enemy has used in the past to find entrance into your life; and close them prophetically as you make the resolution to determinedly focus on pursuing after JEHOVAH’S purpose for your life and destiny.
This is a season of preparation for gathering up for the winter season. Examine your spiritual life. Is there an area where you need to consider improving upon?
Do you need increased prayer and communion with ALMIGHTY GOD?
Do you need to increase on your WORD intake through reading studying and memorizing scripture for the season ahead?
Do you need to increase your times of fellowship with the brethren or take time to retreat and commune with JEHOVAH?
Take long periods of praying in tongues as you commune with the HOLY SPIRIT and build yourself up.
During this month, be like the ant and seek for the area you need to build yourself up (Proverbs 6:1:6-11, Colossians 3:16-17, Hebrews 10:23-25, Jude 20)
Thank GOD for the Rebirth Ministry.
Thank GOD for answered prayers.