Friday, January 21 2022 – 21 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

By the grace of GOD, I declare that there shall be manifestations of total restoration in every area of my life, my household and in the lives of all Rebirth members this year.
I pray for grace to embrace favour and grace to break barriers and take territories for GOD to be released upon my life in JESUS Name.

I receive grace and the anointing to embrace favour and grace to cross every line of limitation set to limit my progress this year in JESUS Name.

I pray and embrace favour and grace to locate my divine places in destiny.

I am divinely planted and become stabilized in my divine places in destiny.

I boldly declare and embrace the grace to overcome and subdue the powers that overcame and subdued me in the past.

We embrace accelerated favour for promotion and elevation.

I declare and embrace accelerated favour that every human policy that are unfavourable to me and GOD’S people this year will be reversed to favour us.

Esther 5:2.

I pray and embrace accelerated favour for divine protection from all evil strategies throughout this year 2022.

Heavenly FATHER I pray that the seven-fold SPIRIT of GOD that was upon JESUS CHRIST will rest actively upon my life and the entire of family of Rebirth in a greater proportion this year and henceforth in JESUS Name; the SPIRIT of the GOD, the SPIRIT of Counsel, the SPIRIT of Knowledge, of Understanding, Wisdom, the fear of the SPIRIT, and the SPIRIT of Might.

I also pray that these seven-fold spirits shall rest upon my life, upon the lives of our workers and the leadership of Rebirth in JESUS Name.

Isaiah 11:2.

My FATHER, my FATHER, I pray that YOU will baptize me with the SPIRIT of Excellence, the SPIRIT of Knowledge, of Understanding, of interpreting dreams, solving of riddles in JESUS Name.

Daniel. 5:12.

I also pray that these spirits shall continue to rest afresh upon the Servant Leader Kemi Balogun and the leadership of Rebirth.

I receive grace today to transcend and rise above every form of territorial limitation, governmental limitation, societal limitation, spiritual limitation and self-imposed limitation in JESUS Name.

Since JESUS has set me free, I declare that I am free indeed and will henceforth go forward to experience the manifestations of my liberty in CHRIST.

I declare and pray fervently that I am free from the forces of sickness, free from the forces of oppression and that I am free from the forces of sin and evil occurrences in JESUS Name.

I rebuke the spirit of waste, procrastination, laziness, slothfulness, slumber and dullness of heart from my life today and forevermore in JESUS Name.

I receive sound mind for unlimited progress and outstanding impact.

I pray that from today and throughout this year, I will encounter helpers of destiny who will use their resources, their positions and influence to advance and enrich my life positively in JESUS Name.

1 Samuel 10:3, 1 Samuel 30:11-12.

By the Blood of JESUS, I declare that my mind is alert and that my spiritual eyes are opened to see the way GOD wants me to see. I will see possibilities and opportunities that heaven has apportioned for me daily.

I will not bow to the forces of excuses and failure in JESUS Name.

Ephesians 1:17-19

I pray that GOD’S favour will cause a table of divine provision to be prepared before me throughout this year.

I pray that all my debts are supernaturally cancelled and paid for.

I will dwell in houses all paid for, I will drive vehicles all paid for and will send my children to schools all paid for in JESUS Name.

I boldly affirm that the doors of salvation, financial breakthrough and advancement will be permanently opened for my household and the family of Rebirth in JESUS Name. Zechariah 9:11, 10:1

I boldly affirm that my divine nature manifests multiplied productivity, my bosom is filled with plenty and satisfaction.

My mouth is filled with praise, because GOD is my protection, and HIS power is at work in me for all-round possibilities.

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