Happy Women’s Day 2020

As we celebrate International Women’s Day today, we put our focus and pray for our persecuted sisters around the world.

Christian women are often doubly vulnerable because of both their gender and their faith, and yet many are incredibly courageous in reaching out to others.

Unfortunately for a lot of the 49.6 percent of the population of the world (women) discrimination, prejudice and misogyny is still the norm.
JESUS on the other hand saw the 49.6 percent differently, and in turn used his manhood differently.
HE celebrated women.
Empowered women.
Gave them more than just a day…HE gave them HIS life.

JESUS earthly ministry was supported by female entrepreneurs.
Successful ladies who had more money than JESUS and HIS twelve.
They were the ones who provided the finances for their food and travels.
And JESUS had zero issues with that.
HE had no macho pride to hinder it.
Actually, women are the only financial supporters mentioned by name in the Bible.

They also served meals, preached the good news, healed the sick and accompanied JESUS as leaders.

But there is a lie that still runs through the veins of male-dominated-Christianity, that “Men are more powerful and GOD has given them control.” It’s not a new deception…but we will continue through prayer and revelation of the WORD of GOD to teach and enlighten and bring the true message of the Cross.

The woman who was caught in the act of adultery in John 8 was brought to be stoned… alone.

We know it takes two to tango, but the religious men (experts in knowing and teaching the law) were breaking the law themselves.
It was a barbaric expression of male chauvinism that “forgot” to follow the full extent of Leviticus 20:10, “Both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.” Both.

Let’s pause today and everyday to give a thought and a prayer for women suffering oppression and discrimination all over the world.

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