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Lent Challenge 2024 – My Brothers Keeper – Day 4

DAY FOUR: Honouring Parents

Exodus 20: 12 Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD GOD is giving you.

  • Pray for all children in your street to honour their parents whether they are adults or children and especially for children growing up with a Mother or Father living elsewhere, help them to respect both their parents, any step parents and for good relationships among family member.
  • Pray that no child suffers any form of abuse and for healing for adults and children who have been the victims of child abuse at the hands of their parents. Help them not to feel condemned for their difficulties in dealing with how they feel about their parents
  • Pray for couples who would like children, but at this time are struggling to have children

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Try to get to know a single Mum or Dad and offer them help and encouragement if you can

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