Monday, January 24 2022 – 21 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

My FATHER, my FATHER, the hour has come in 2022; glorify me with the glory YOU created me with so I may also glorify YOU in this year of Grace and Supernatural Restoration.

Glorify me with the glory YOU created me for and wipe away every trace of reproach and shame.

I decree and command access to the treasury and treasures of heaven and the earth this year and beyond.

The SPIRIT has opened unto me HIS good treasury, the heavens, to give rain to this land in this season and to bless all the work of my hands in the Name of JESUS.

I shall lend to many nations but shall not borrow. I shall live in plenty.

With long life GOD, will satisfy me.

By faith in the Name of JESUS, GOD has released resources into my life from his good treasures.

Deuteronomy 28:12.

I possess the GOD-dimension of wisdom, capacity for peace in troubled waters, and the grace to succeed where others have failed this year.

Every good thing that I have started and will start this year are graced for exceptional results in JESUS Name.

I will never have a better yesterday, but each day will be more glorious, more blessed, and more fruitful in JESUS Name.

I declare that my children and all the children in Rebirth will rise above the corruption of this world.

The fear of the SPIRIT will permeate their hearts and GOD will cause them to be mighty and great in the land.

I declare that our children will be for godly signs and wonders to their generations and GOD will make them stars to behold.

Psalm 112:2-3. Isaiah 8:18

I pray that GOD will increase me on all sides and that there will be no lack or dryness in any area of my life, I will dwell in abundance spiritually, physically and materially to fulfil my destiny in JESUS Name.

Psalm 71:21, Isaiah 58:11

I boldly affirm by faith that the heavens above my destiny are continually opened. Good treasures are opened unto me with ease. I am rich with glory, substance and abundance in greater dimension.

Whatsoever I lay my hands upon shall prosper; the spirit of delay and spirit of wasted effort are shattered in my life in JESUS Name.

Psalm 90:17.

Heavenly FATHER, as YOU supernaturally reinforced and put to closure the activities of the Prince of Persia in the life of Daniel, I decree that concerning my life, the activities of darkness will come to a permanent end in the Name of JESUS.

I pray that all the agenda of GOD for my life shall be fulfilled speedily.

By faith in the Name of JESUS, I declare that every day of my life this year shall be fully loaded with good benefits of financial, spiritual, career and marital breakthroughs. Psalms 68:19

My FATHER, my FATHER, I pray for revival, unity and continuous growth upon the body of CHRIST all over the world.

The church of GOD will be a dominant force of change throughout the earth.

Isaiah 62:1-2

Heavenly FATHER I pray that YOU continue to add multitude of souls daily to Rebirth for the expansion of YOUR kingdom and for the glory of YOUR Name.

I declare that the spirit of love and godly unity to permeate this ministry.

The Rebirth Ministry shall forever be a place of holiness and purity.

1 John 17:21, 1 Thessalonians 3:12.

FATHER I thank YOU for answering my prayers and for the grace granted the family of Rebirth in this fasting and prayer exercise. I receive further grace for an acceptable fast coupled with prayer as we continue in this divine adventure this week.

I boldly affirm that the doors of salvation, financial breakthrough and advancement will be permanently opened for my household and the family of Rebirth in JESUS Name. Zechariah 9:11, 10:1.

I boldly affirm that my divine nature manifest multiplied productivity, my bosom is filled with plenty and satisfaction.

My mouth is filled with praise, because GOD is my protection, and HIS power is at work in me for all-round possibilities.

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