Prayer Points For Getting Pregnant

Prayer Points For Getting Pregnant

Scriptures: Genesis 1:22

And GOD blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.”

Prayer Points

  1. LORD, bless me and make me fruitful in JESUS mighty name
  2. Birds multiply and fill the earth at your command. I am created in YOUR image. I decree and declare; I am fruitful and I multiply in JESUS mighty name.
  3. LORD, I stand on YOUR promise today. I am exceedingly fruitful, nations and kings come from me in JESUS mighty name
  4. My children rule and reign over nations. They excel in every sphere in JESUS mighty name.
  5. FATHER, look upon me favourably and make me fruitful in JESUS mighty name
  6. LORD, multiply me and confirm YOUR covenant with me and my household in JESUS mighty name
  7. I am a fruitful vine in the heart of my husband’s house. Our children are like olive plants all around our table in JESUS Name
  8. My husband rejoices over me and our children in JESUS mighty name.
  9. FATHER! today, I am choosing life, that my descendants may live. I speak life over my child and not death, I speak blessings and not curses in JESUS Name
  10. Thank YOU LORD for giving me a healthy and full term baby
  11. LORD, YOUR word says no good thing will YOU withhold from me; in YOUR mercy, open my womb and make me fertile in JESUS mighty name
  12. LORD, empower us with the virtue and grace to make babies in JESUS mighty name
  13. FATHER, children are wonderful gifts from YOU. Bless my home with babies. Let the cry of a baby be heard in my home in JESUS mighty name.
  14. LORD, I thank YOU for YOUR marvellous and wondrous works of supernatural conception, pregnancy and childbirth. I will rejoice with my baby(ies) in JESUS mighty name.
  15. Thank YOU FATHER for blessings us with our own bundle of Joy in JESUS Name

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