Prayer Points For When I’m Feeling Anxious

Prayer Points For When I’m Feeling Anxious

Scriptures: 2 Timothy 1:7

 For GOD hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Prayer Points

  1. I decree and declare that I will not live in fear and I will not be anxious, for the LORD has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
  2. I decree and declare that I will not live in fear or anxiety but in my spiritual identity as a beloved child of GOD.
  3. I come against the devil’s schemes to make be afraid. I put on the full armour of GOD and stand against you spirit of fear, in the power of the ALMIGHTY and in the Mighty Name of JESUS.
  4. You spirit of fear, loose your hold over my life, in the Mighty Name of JESUS (x 7).
  5. All negative doors that the spirit of fear has opened, in the past, be closed now, in the Mighty Name of JESUS.
  6. I decree and declare that nothing I have feared will come upon me, in the Mighty Name of JESUS.
  7. I decree and declare that my heart will not be troubled. My heart will not be troubled. My heart will not be troubled, in the Mighty Name of JESUS.
  8. LORD, please transform my thought processes, from anxious thinking, to being rooted in YOUR truth, peace, and rest in JESUS Name.
  9. I give my burdens to YOU, LORD, confident that YOU will continue to take care of me. YOU will not permit me to slip and fall in JESUS Name.
  10. FATHER remind me that YOU ARE with me always and that YOU ARE there to comfort me. Help me to feel that comfort right now and continually in JESUS Name.
  11. Help me, LORD, to trust YOU and experience the peace YOU have for me. Let that peace guard my heart and mind, in the Mighty Name of JESUS.
  12. I decree and declare that I will continually grow in each fruit of the SPIRIT – of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  13. Thank YOU, LORD, that YOU know and care for me, as the GOOD SHEPHERD WHO knows HIS sheep and has already laid down YOUR life for me.
  14. Thank YOU for comforting me on all sides and satisfying my mouth with good things.
  15. JEHOVAH, I am so grateful that YOUR plans for me are of good and not of evil. Thank YOU, FATHER.
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