Storming The Gates of The Month Of September 2019

Monthly Prayers

You will begin prayers ‪at 11.40pm on Saturday 31 August, 2019‬.

Praise Worship (At least 20 Minutes)              

Isaiah 66:7-10

Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy GOD. Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all ye that love her: rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her:

We have now entered into the ninth month of the year. It takes nine months for a women to incubate, form and then give birth to a child.

The number nine represents the cycle of Gestation.

I pray that this month you will give birth to every seed of GOD that has been placed, incubated and formed in your spiritual womb, in JESUS Name.

Nine in Biblical terms represents
Judgment of man and HIS works; finality of divine things,
 the end, conclusion of a matter; 9 = 5+4 number of grace, unmerited favour, renewal, responsibility, sacrifice and 4 = the number of creation.

May GOD’S WORD create and bring forth radical changes in your life like never before.
Nine also represents Tribulation, probation, perfection of divine order, Gifts/Fruit of the SPIRIT.

May faith arise in your life this month manifesting GOD’S Fruit of The Spirit and may HIS gifts be evident in your daily walk before GOD and enable you to give birth to everything that is GOD this September in the mighty Name of JESUS.

September- the month of Appointment, Deliverance, Inheritance, and Fulfilment in the Name of JESUS

Prayer Points

  1. September is my Expected Delivery Date, therefore, O GOD Arise! Protect and defend my harvest of great testimonies, in the Name of JESUS.
  2. Every good seed sown into my life, germinate by fire and bring forth a harvest of goodness for me, in the Name of JESUS.
  3. You the Expected Delivery Date (EDD) of my miracles and blessings: manifest now by fire, in the Name of JESUS.
  4. You the pregnancy of greatness conceived by by destiny from the foundation of the earth, be birthed into manifestations now, whether my enemies like it or not, in the Name of JESUS.
  5. You the mid-wife of September, arise now, and take delivery of my wonderful testimonies from the womb of September, in the Name of JESUS.
  6. You the pregnancy of good news conceived for my sake, you shall not be aborted! You shall not be miscarried!! You shall not be a still-birth, therefore, be birthed alive now! In the Name of JESUS.
  7. Thou womb of September, hear the WORD of the LORD: bring forth my turn-around breakthroughs, in the Name of JESUS.
  8. Blood of JESUS! Fight for me in the labour room of September! In the Name of JESUS.
  9. Every evil power waiting for me at the maturity date of my miracle and blessings: Die by fire, in the Name of JESUS.
  10. You the warfare of September programmed against my destiny: Be wasted! Be wasted!! Be wasted!!! in the Name of JESUS.
  11. You the pregnancy of wickedness conceived against my destiny, in the womb of September, die, in the Name of JESUS.
  12. Dark expectations for my destiny, be aborted now by fire! In the Name of JESUS.
  13. It is written in 1 John 5:4 – For whatever is born of GOD overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith, therefore, every good thing that my prayer shall birth this month shall overcome my adversities and my adversaries in JESUS Name.
  14. Positive expectations and multiplications of blessings: Appear in my life now, in the Name of JESUS.
  15. Negative subtractions and sorrows: Disappear from my life now, in the Name of JESUS.
  16. Arrows of slumber fired against me in the labour room of September: Backfire, in the Name of JESUS.
  17. Witchcraft powers waiting for my loss in the labour room of September, you are liars! Die, in the Name of JESUS.
  18. Witchcraft powers waiting for my death in the labour room of September, you are liars! Die in my stead, in the Name of JESUS.
  19. Every power programmed to quench the battery of my destiny, you are liars! Die, in the Name of JESUS.
  20. Unfriendly friends! Loose your power over my life, in the Name of JESUS.
  21. Wrath of GOD, strike through every evil king that presides over September, in the Name of JESUS.
  22. Galatians 3:22-26 This month my faith will deliver me/loose me from every imprisonment of the flesh, spirit, mind and body. I declare that I AM FREE in JESUS Name (John 8:36)
  23. 2 Corinthians 5:7 – I confess I believe GOD even where I cannot see GOD, and my GOD is well able, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  24. Matthew 16:19 – Today I confess I have the key of prayer. GOD’S anointed words are in my mouth to open all the locked-up places of my life. O CHRIST, live and speak through me again, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  25. By faith I claim answers to my prayers. BEGIN TO PRAISE GOD. Repeat 12 times: I decree and declare that I will not abort or miscarry GOD’S seed in my life. This month I will bring forth in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.
  26. Thank GOD and give HIM praise for answered prayers.
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