I have come to return all the glory to GOD for HIS mercies and preservation.
After the Night Vigil on Saturday I decided to go for a walk, it was about 7:45pm here and still bright.
As a dressed up to go I found myself praying (I usually don’t pray before going for a walk) about not getting bitten, even I was wondering why I was praying over getting bitten but I prayed anyway and set off with my nanny who had finished her duty at that time, interestingly we prayed again while walking out to the street.
25 minutes into the walk we branched into another street, I decided to walk there because it was steep and I figured I would burn some calories walking back up, I was fiddling with my phone to check my progress on the fitness app I was using and I heard a clear voice say to me “stop, turn and look at your nanny”, she was frozen to a spot as two huge fierce dogs (the ugly types that drool) came barking and charging towards us, I started screaming “Jesus” “Jesus”, I couldn’t run because I know it would be over for my legs if I did, they stopped just inches from our legs for a while before the owner (I assume) came and took them in, they were so big and wild that he couldn’t control them, they had no leash and just refused to leave, by the mercies of GOD they eventually did and we left the vicinity.
I just want to thank GOD for protection and preservation, I know the story would have been different if not for HIS mercies.

One Response

  1. I want to testify to the glory of God. I work in a financial institution.
    God has been faithful to me and my team members . GOD did not allow what would have been fraud to crystalize because of someone’s negligent. GOD fought my battles for me, it would have been a different story if the wrong credit into a customers account was withdrawn by the customer, the money was just sitting in the account for 2days . The first quarter of this year 2024 ended in praise. To God be the the glory Halleluyah

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