I would like to share this amazing testimony.

On Tuesday i was feeling very low and i decided to listen to the Word. There was a prayer going on at the time and while i was driving i connected.
Then My Word came ” there’s someone here GOD said to tell you HE has not forgotten you” i felt something in my heart and i screamed the loudest “Amen”! The man of GOD went on to say within 24 hours GOD will manifest Himself. i said Amen and went about my day.

I was owing someone close to a million Naira and i was trusting GOD that i will pay. She has been so patient and we had agreed that payment with be made in tranches.
That afternoon i remembered and i said i would make some payment before the end of the week even though i didn’t know how, i believed GOD.

That evening around 9pm as i was crawling into bed i got a message from her informing me not to pay the debt. She said the Holy Spirit instructed her that morning to cancel all debts and she would rather obey the Holy Spirit.

I have come like that one leper to return all Glory to GOD. And also to say that GOD will bless my wonderful friend for obeying the voice of the LORD. She will find help in her time of need in JESUS Name. Amen

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