I wish to thank God for His Miracle in my life!
My organization is currently going through a restructuring process with lots of anxiety and fear amongst staff.
Worst still there has been lots of conspiracy, and I was a target; receiving all sorts of queries almost daily from my hierarchy.
Our director was bent on finding faults in everything I did and would issue a query out of proportion, for things she merely suspected. I was even summoned to a disciplinary hearing!
I wrote to the SL and asked for her prayers about this on the 28th of February and SL responded to me in just two lines “Trust God”, ‘you need to be more focused on your work sister’.
On my mind I was like is that all 😊? I kept praying and trusting God as instructed by the SL.
The oppression however continued, until one day I had to encounter my Director to sort things out with her. She had her on story to tell and I explained to her some of the challenges I have been encountering executing my work, including the tense work environment and the fact that I am being accused falsely.
She gave me the impression that she had understood and we agreed together with the HR Manager for a way forward for a better collaboration and results
Thursday morning 25th, after the 5 am prayers, I slept off at about 6 am and had a terrible dream.
In that dream a colleague I am supervising embarrassed me during a workshop.
Immediately after the workshop I confronted the colleague. The colleague told me that I would receive a dismissal letter very soon. He repeated like 3 times.
I then woke up from the dream feeling really sad, I went on to cancel the dream using the prayer points on cancelling negative dreams on the Rebirth website.
During that period, I was also attending the dream clinic. ….
…to cut a long story short, yesterday I received had insinuations about my job termination.
I contacted SL for help, SL again told me “Trust God”.
I was like will SL not give me a prayer point to make or say something more 😊 ?…
Today I received a termination letter ending my contract on the 31st on March!
I was so sad!
Once again, I wrote to SL and I said something like SL I finally received my dismissal letter on the eve of my birthday! I was actually crying. That was about 12:31 pm.
Once again SL said “Trust God “.
At about 9pm I received a call from our Executive Director (the hierarchy of our Director), who after hearing my story promoted me to work in our Regional Office in West and Central Africa!!
What an uncommon miracle;
I lose a job on the same day and get a promotion on that same day!!
God is a miracle working God! He works in ways we do not see nor understand!!
He is worthy of our Praise!!
I am so thankful beyond expression.
I worship the Lord with all my strength!!
God bless you our SL for allowing God to use you to touch many lives!!
God bless the Rebirth Ministry
God bless all the sisters in the Ministry!!