A few weeks ago, one of the first things SL said at a 5am prayer was that one of our sons will be given a scholarship. That was about the time we had been told that because the Scholarship exams didn’t take place before the boys, in my son’s school started the academic year (due to Covid) all of them will be assessed for it, at the end of this first year.
As my son had applied to sit the exams, as part of his application to the school, and because the exams were cancelled about one week before they were due to take place (after he had studied, taken extra lessons etc), he really wanted to be selected, as did we, his parents.
So when I heard that word from SL, I jumped out of bed and shouted amen! We kept praying and declaring that as many are called but few are chosen, he would be amongst the ones that are chosen!
And GOD honoured that word! He was shortlisted – 20 out of about 150 – followed by further assessments and an interview. On Friday, he was awarded an Academic Exhibition.
I give GOD ALL the Glory for watching over HIS word in our lives to perform it. What an AWESOME GOD we serve!